B4J Question Running at B4j App on Windows 10


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Am I missing something (or just lazy) - but I have written a B4j App and it works great when run under the IDE. However, I am unable to run it on a PC.

I have used the IDE to Build a stand alone package and when I double click on the appname.jar windows asks what file do I want to open it with.

NOTE: I did look this up on the forum but the suggested solutions appear somewhat complex, is that really what you have to do get the App to run?

Kind regards


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You should get an exe file.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
aeric is correct. You should get the following folders after the packager is done. My app uses a sqlite database so I had to manually add the
Files folder. Click on the exe file and it should run.

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Hi thank you quick response

Firstly, you are correct B4j will create a <appname>.exe file if you wait to let it complete. My machine is doing updates ,so it's slow and there is a gap (several seconds) between producing the <appname>.jar file and the .exe file - My fault for being too impatient.

Also in my case the .exe is written to <projectFile>\B4j\Objects\temp\build and not as expect in the <projectsFile>\B4j\Objects.

Thanks all for your help.

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