I did watch the video and it talked about the storage example, and since it did not mention that maxSdkVersion was ONLY for the "storage" permission, that lead me to believe the maxSdkVersion should be used in the manifest for the other dangerous permissions so that the app can run on android versions before version 6.0.
So, then if my app needs to access the contacts, then I should place the following statement in the manifest?
And just so I understand this correctly, if I do include the above line in my app's manifest, would the below things then happen?
1) When installing the app on a device running android 4-5.1, it will immediately pop-up a dialog saying that the app requires access to the contacts, and
2) If the app is installed on a device running android 6+, it will NOT immediately pop-up a dialog when installing an app, but it will eventually pop-up a permission prompt when my code runs the first "rp.CheckAndRequest(rp.permission.READ_CONTACTS)"?