Save AS?


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If I write project 'program1' then add some bits and wish to save it as 'program2' is there way I can SaveAs a different file name?

There only seems to be SAVE in the menu which over-writes any previous?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I understand this last bit, but I cannnot fiugure out the relevance of the three part naminhg necessary when saving a proj for the first time
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Licensed User
Longtime User
yes, wont it be duplicated when copying the folder?
What is a good policy for the pakage name?
wont it be updated when a pakage with the same name, not the same "project" name, is updated?
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B4X founder
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It will be duplicated. The package name is your application globally unique identifier.
Usually it should start with your name or domain name or company name and end with the specific application name.
Installing an application with the same package name as an existing application will overwrite the existing application.

You can always change the package name by choosing Project - Package Name.
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