I am have tried converting files into byte by FILE.READBYTE and insert into SQL and then select the data and convert back to a file by FILE.WRITEBYTE. But it turns out that the data is not stored probably somehow. The size of the inserted file is 920564 and the read file is 12 @@
I am wondering if the wrong column type I using (now I m using BLOB) or something else goes wrong. Any suggestions?
Sub ReadBlob
Dim Cursor1 As Cursor = SQL1.ExecQuery2("SELECT image FROM table2 WHERE name = ?", Array As String("smiley"))
Cursor1.Position = 0
Dim Buffer() As Byte = Cursor1.GetBlob("image")
Dim InputStream1 As InputStream
InputStream1.InitializeFromBytesArray(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length)
Dim Bitmap1 As Bitmap
End Sub