Hello All,
I need to grab a pre existing image, generate a qrcode as a second image, set up a canvas, set them side by side and save the canvas as a single image.
What am I doing wrong since I always get an empty image in the right area.
I have tried to set both as the first existing image and always get the second image empty.
I need to grab a pre existing image, generate a qrcode as a second image, set up a canvas, set them side by side and save the canvas as a single image.
What am I doing wrong since I always get an empty image in the right area.
I have tried to set both as the first existing image and always get the second image empty.
Dim Left_Image As Bitmap
Dim Right_Image As Bitmap
Dim LeftRect As B4XRect
Dim RightRect As B4XRect
Dim QRG As QRGenerator
Dim Full_image As B4XCanvas
Right_Image.Initialize3(QRG.Create("teste string"))
Full_image = CreateCanvas(Left_Image.Width + Right_Image.Width, Left_Image.Height)
Full_image.DrawBitmap(Left_image, LeftRect)
Full_image.DrawBitmap(Right_Image, RightRect)
Dim Out As OutputStream = File.OpenOutput(Starter.InternalFolder, "full_image.jpg", False)
Full_image.CreateBitmap.WriteToStream(Out, 100, "JPEG")