Saving and restoring position in an app


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Longtime User
Hello - Enjoying dev with B4A -but a quick question regarding an efficient recommended way for saving and continuing...

I have a very simple application that uses Panels to change between multiple "screens." If the user presses the back key at any point - they are prompted to quit the application. If they choose YES, I'm hoping my application can remember which panel (screen) they were on last. When they use the application again - they can start over, or continue (on that last panel visited).

I've declared a global integer variable. I then assign the variable a screennumber value in each panel. I'm thinking the concepts in the text files tutorial to save a file and read a file is the way to go?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks. Using the map example in that thread - writing the last visited panel and reading the same panel back is working perfectly. (Testing with a message box)
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