Screen philosophy discussion...

Gary Miyakawa

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I'm a relatively new programmer of the mobile world (and a way too old programmer from the old world)..

My current project is repoducing a hardward remote control with an Android device. I have it completely working but am struggling with the vast number of Android screen sizes... and with 42 buttons...

Anyway, I've developed the 540x960 version (that fits my Atrix) and works nicely on a Xoom. I know that I can use "variants" to build "closer" layouts that should fit and my understand is that these variants are not "scaled" (either up or down) to fit the physical screen. Building these variants are a bit painfull because the remote is larger than the screen and Designer isn't as friendly (that I've found) when dealing with larger scrollviews (for positioning of buttons) Any tips there would be greatfully accepted !

That leaves me with building the screen layout based on the X/Y/Scale of the screen and doing the math.. While again, painfull, it would give me the most flexibility.

My question is, is there anything I'm missing here to make the development of this kind of screen layout that would my life (and others) easier ?

Thanks for your time and input !

Gary M
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