scrolling labels


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is it possible to make a scrolling label like an credit box??


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Hi all,
I'm new member ... is it possible to make scroll label (or scroll in imageview) in a widget ?
If yes, sample code, please ?

Many thanks
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Thank you for your quick response and I want to thank you for this wonderful product!

Have you an idea how to do this because it is necessary to have the width of the label or imageview in the widget (?)
Possible sample code to begin ?

Best regards
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i saw another way to do this, with reflector and setEllipsize, but we don't know how to do with a widget :
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = TextView
r.RunMethod2("setSingleLine", True, "java.lang.boolean")
r.RunMethod2("setEllipsize", Mode, "android.text.TextUtils$TruncateAt")
r.RunMethod2("setSelected", True, "java.lang.boolean")
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Everytime i open my app, close my app and open it again. The Scrolling label is getting faster and faster

What could be the problem?
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What could be the problem?

My tip is: the timerintervall is decreased (so the timer runs faster). But without seeing a code it´s just guessing what we can do
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Thank you,yeah my code is now too big to show.

Iam initialize the timer in Activit create (timer1.initialize("Timer1",20) (only in Activity_create)

in Timer1_tick event is this

in Activity_Resume this

If timer1.Enabled=False AND timer1.IsInitialized=True Then
End If

Because it should scroll when i go back to this activity

EDIT: Solved it ;) in activity_pause i had to call timer1.enabled=false :)
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When I rotate the screen, the scroll restart, but it remains a part of text under...

How can I solve it ?

Thank you
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I found the error, I was setting a label.text inside a routine after screen rotate.

Thank you anyway.
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Hi Klaus...

I'm getting OutOfMemory errors with this on large sized long text. I want to set the text size to 200 for example, and a few letters will work, but a sentence will crash it as soon as it initializes. Is there a way to do this in segments?
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Unfortunately, for what I'm trying to do, I need to be able to do a full sentence or two in large type.

Yes, it's definitely the bitmaps that error out Klaus... Of course, the larger the text, the bigger the bitmap.

I'm wondering if there's another way to do this. It's definitely happening when it creates the bitmaps (c in particular). Is there any low level way to make the text scroll on it's own?

Thanks in advance for all of your help!
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Yea, I looked at that thread last night... Am going to play with it a bit...

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