Sub Globals
Private edtTest As EditText
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'adds a Click listener
'as long as the EditText has the focus, the FocusChanged event is not raised, therefore the Click event
Private refEditText As Reflector
refEditText.Target = edtTest
edtTest.Text = "This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text. This is a long text."
End Sub
'used for the first click, sets the focus and selects the cursor position
Private Sub edtTest_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
End Sub
'used for subsequent clicks when the EditText has the focus
Private Sub edtTest_Click(View As Object)
End Sub
Private Sub SelectLine
'SelectionStart = text cursor position
'LineIndex = index of the line where the cursor is positioned
'LineStart = text cursor position of the first character in the line
'LineVisibleEnd = text cursor position of the last visible character in the line
Private SelectionStart, LineIndex, LineStart, LineVisibleEnd As Int
Private joEditText, joEditTextLayout As JavaObject
joEditText = edtTest
joEditTextLayout = joEditText.RunMethod("getLayout", Null)
SelectionStart = joEditText.RunMethod("getSelectionStart", Null)
LineIndex = joEditTextLayout.RunMethod("getLineForOffset", Array As Object(SelectionStart))
LineStart = joEditTextLayout.RunMethod("getLineStart", Array As Object(LineIndex))
LineVisibleEnd = joEditTextLayout.RunMethod("getLineVisibleEnd", Array As Object(LineIndex))
joEditText.RunMethod("setSelection", Array As Object(LineStart, LineVisibleEnd))
End Sub