i'm using the bellow code to send sms
it worked perfectly until recently
now - with google updated sms app it does not work (the sms app opens but no message is attached to the message text box)
with any other app like samsung's it works perfectly
as i don't control the user's phone some uses googe sms app (with or without rcs) and some uses other apps so i need it to work with any app
also i must comply with google as the app is on google play store
the sms sending feature is critical so please...
i'm using the bellow code to send sms
Intent1.Initialize(Intent1.ACTION_VIEW, "sms:" & PhoneNumber)
Intent1.PutExtra("sms_body", TextMessage)
it worked perfectly until recently
now - with google updated sms app it does not work (the sms app opens but no message is attached to the message text box)
with any other app like samsung's it works perfectly
as i don't control the user's phone some uses googe sms app (with or without rcs) and some uses other apps so i need it to work with any app
also i must comply with google as the app is on google play store
the sms sending feature is critical so please...