Don't think you'd need a new class as it's quite simple to spawn threads.
public static void playAsTask(String s){
final String ss = s;
Task task = new Task<Void>() {
@Override public Void call(){
Player player = new Player();;
return null;
new Thread(task).start();
It was not the best example, I just cut/pasted from a program I wrote.
The main parts are
Task task = new Task<Void>() { <<< a void Task ie it returns nothing to the caller
@Override public Void call(){
// do what you need to here
return null; <<< even though it returns nothing you must return a null
new Thread(task).start(); <<< this starts the thread running
I don't think it can be useful to get what I need.
I need something like "all this code (which could be a "class") must run in its own thread". Almost as it was a project inside a project.
A "multi-room" chat could be an example. Each room should work in its own thread (and it should "communicate" with other threads, but for this I think that thread safe maps should be enough or, at least, I could write something on disk or database).