*** Server update ***


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Longtime User
I obviously don't have any insight into your upgrade, but the migration sure seems to take a very, very long time. As you say it's done by the hosting company (Liquid Web, as far as I can tell), I imagine you're using a managed database. In which case it's even more surprising that it takes this long.

However, if you actually do manage your own database, and it's running on a VPS I can give you the recommendation to upgrade the server just before starting the migration and scale it back when it's finished. That's what I do, and it works well for me. (I have a VPS with Digital Ocean.)

Just a thought, hoping it can give some inspiration.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Oh, in that case it's a lot more complex than I imagined - please ignore my post above. :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
The banner up top is gone for me. Does this mean the server upgrade/migration is done?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Understood, thanks. I doubt you need any help at all with this, but just in case: There has to be a bunch of people in the forum that administer servers as part of our daily job. In case you want input on something, just post it and I'm sure you'll get some insight that might be helpful.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Fontawesome is not displaying on my mobile.


Active Member
Licensed User
I confirm that the search does not work. And there is no more icon on the page.


  • problem.png
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Serge Bertet

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'    ____                               _     _                  _     _   _           ____  
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'                      |_|


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
does the server update affect hosted builder also?
I'm getting the following error while compiling with B4i

Error retrieving token: Communication error: ConnectFailure


Licensed User
Longtime User
It seems to be changing. Earlier this morning the hamburger menu was showing as well as the message and notification icons. All 3 are now just a square with a cossed line inside of them
same here, today still