Android Question service stuck after 30mn mobile power OFF


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i have an issue with my MQTT application : 30mn after my mobile power OFF, my service is not running until i push power ON button to have my screen active.

i started from example available in this forum, i added a few parameters to manage services in background found in this forum, but at last it is not working....possible i don't use good parameters, possible i don't use it at good step or service, i don't know.
On mobile side, it is a REDMI 3S in android6 and all parametres for battery are OFF, no release of apk at power OFF of mobile. For me configuration is OK to have a service in background.

on my soft, at start you have a configuration page to input all parameters needed for MQTT configuration. After we have a service running to interrogate a MQTT client with automatic launch every 1mn and service going down after answer of MQTT client , except is application is active, in this case service stay active.

globally it is working, except after 30mn in background...

if someone have a look at my issue, he will be welcome!

thanks for your help


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in fact my service is running well, but internet acces by wifi is OUT on my mobile after 30mn and acces to 4G network is very bad where i am testing.
Notification on my soft was after acces to MQTT client and only when internet access was OK. With a notification at service start, i can see my service running.

thanks Erel for your help
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