Android Code Snippet setting a spinner's background without losing the down arrow

I wanted to change the background color of a spinner, but doing this normally loses the down arrow at the right end of the control.

Here's a simple sub to fix that:

'set the background colour and add an arrow on the right
Sub setSpinnerBackground(spinnerArg As Spinner, colorArg As Int)
   dim const ICON_SIZE as int = 48dip    
   Dim tempBitmap As Bitmap
   tempBitmap.InitializeMutable(spinnerArg.width, ICON_SIZE)
   Dim tempCanvas As Canvas
   tempCanvas.DrawText(Chr(0xE5C5), spinnerArg.width - ICON_SIZE/2, ICON_SIZE/1.3, Typeface.MATERIALICONS, 20,, "CENTER")
   Dim bmd As BitmapDrawable
   spinnerArg.Background = bmd
End Sub

Hope this helps!
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