Android Code Snippet Sharing the goodness: Some useful methods


This is a collection of methods that I have collected here in b4a, perhaps one can find them useful..

'Description: Return Left part of a string
'Tags: left method, string
Sub Left(Text As String, Length As Long)As String
   If Length>Text.Length Then Length=Text.Length
   Return Text.SubString2(0, Length)
End Sub

'Description: Return Right part of a string
'Tags: right method, string
Sub Right(Text As String, Length As Long) As String
   If Length>Text.Length Then Length=Text.Length
   Return Text.SubString(Text.Length-Length)
End Sub

'Description: Return the Mid portion of a string
'Tags: mid method, string
Sub Mid(Text As String, Start As Int, Length As Int) As String
   Return Text.SubString2(Start-1,Start+Length-1)
End Sub

'Description: Returns an array from a delimited string
'Tags: split method, string
Sub Split(Text As String, Delimiter As String) As String()
   Return Regex.Split(Delimiter,Text)
End Sub

'Description: Returns the length of a string
'Tags: length of string, len
Sub Len(Text As String) As Int
    Return Text.Length
End Sub

'Description: Replace a string within a string
'Tags: Replace function, string
Sub Replace(Text As String, sFind As String, sReplaceWith As String) As String
    Return Text.Replace(sFind, sReplaceWith)
End Sub

' Description: Return a string in lowercase
'Tags: lower case string, lcase
Sub LCase(Text As String) As String
    Return Text.ToLowerCase
End Sub

'Description: Return a string in uppercase
'Tags: upper case, ucase
Sub UCase(Text As String) As String
    Return Text.ToUpperCase
End Sub

'Description: Trim a string
'Tags: trim, string
Sub Trim(Text As String) As String
    Return Text.Trim
End Sub

'Description: Return position of sub string within a string
'Tags: indexof, position
Sub InStr(Text As String, sFind As String) As Int
    Return Text.IndexOf(sFind)
End Sub

'Description: Return position of a sub string within a string starting from a position
'Tags: indexof, position, string
Sub InStr1(iStart As Int, Text As String, sFind As String) As Int
    Return Text.IndexOf2(Text, iStart)
End Sub

'Description: Return position of a substring within a string starting from the back
'Tags: instrrev, string
Sub InStrRev(Text As String, str As String) As Int
    Return Text.LastIndexOf(str)
End Sub

'Description: Returns true if a string contains another string
'Tag: string, contains
Sub Contains(Text As String, sFind As String) As Boolean
    Return Text.Contains(sFind)
End Sub

'Description: check if device has internet connection
'Tags: internet,connection
Sub HasInternet() As Boolean
    Dim  Server As ServerSocket
    Server.Initialize(0, Null)
    If Server.GetMyIP = "" Then 'Test for internet connection
        Return False
        Return True
    End If
End Sub

'Description: sum all the values in a list
'Tags: list,sum
Sub ListSum(lst As List) As String
    Dim lTot As Int = lst.Size - 1
    Dim lCnt As Int
    Dim lStr As Int
    Dim lSum As Int = 0
    For lCnt = 0 To lTot
        lStr = lst.Get(lCnt)
        lSum = lSum + lStr
    Return lSum
End Sub

'Description: Returns True if the CurrentDate and the CompareToDate are within X number of days(DateRange)
'of each other. Otherwise False will be returned.
'Tags: Date, search, range
Sub SearchDate(CurrentDate As String, CompareToDate As String, DateRange As Int) As Boolean
    Dim DayOfYearCompareDate, DayOfYearCurrentDate As Long
    If ValidDate(CurrentDate) And ValidDate(CompareToDate) Then
        Return False
    End If
    DayOfYearCompareDate = DateTime.GetDayOfYear(DateTime.DateParse(CompareToDate))
    DayOfYearCurrentDate = DateTime.GetDayOfYear(DateTime.DateParse(CurrentDate))
    If DayOfYearCompareDate >= DayOfYearCurrentDate And DayOfYearCompareDate <= (DayOfYearCurrentDate + DateRange) Then
        Return True
        Return False
    End If
End Sub

'Description: Return the date tomorrow in ticks
'Tags: date, tomorrow
Sub Tomorrow() As Long
    Dim Tom As Long
    Tom = DateTime.Add(DateTime.Now, 0, 0, 1)
    Return DateTime.Date(Tom)
End Sub

'Description: Convert a json file to a map
'Tags: json, map, conversion
Sub JsonFileToMap(Dir As String, FileName As String) As Map
    Dim JSON As JSONParser
    Dim Map1 As Map
    JSON.Initialize(File.ReadString(Dir, FileName))
    Map1 = JSON.NextObject
    Return Map1
End Sub

'Description: Convert a json string to a map
'Tags: json, string, map, conversion
Sub Json2Map(jsonText As String) As Map
    Dim json As JSONParser
    Dim Map1 As Map
    Map1 = json.NextObject
    Return Map1
End Sub

'Description: Returns whether the passed date is valid or not
'Tags: date validation,date
Public Sub ValidDate(ChkDate As String) As Boolean
    Private dcf As Int
    Private GoodDate As String
    dcf = 0
        GoodDate = DateTime.DateParse(ChkDate)
        GoodDate = ""
        dcf = 1
    End Try
    If dcf = 0 Then
        Return True
        Return False
    End If 
End Sub

'Description: Returns a new date when adding them to an existing date
'Tags: Date, addition, calculation
Sub DateAdd(mDate As String, HowManyDays As Int) As String
    Dim ConvertDate, NewDateDay As Long
    ConvertDate = DateTime.DateParse(mDate)
    NewDateDay = DateTime.Add(ConvertDate, 0, 0, HowManyDays)
    Return DateTime.Date(NewDateDay)
End Sub

'Description: Returns the number of days that have passed between two dates.
'Pass the dates as a String
'Tags: Date, differences, calculation
Sub DateDiff(CurrentDate As String, OtherDate As String) As Int
    Dim CurrDate, OthDate, MyNewDate As Long
    CurrDate = DateTime.DateParse(CurrentDate)
    OthDate = DateTime.DateParse(OtherDate)
    Return (CurrDate-OthDate)/(DateTime.TicksPerDay)
End Sub

'Description: Return the position of a string within another
'Tags: at, string position
Sub At(Text As String,SearchFor As String) As Int
    Return Text.IndexOf(SearchFor)
End Sub

'Description: Return the left trimmed string from another
'Tags: ltrim, trim, left
Sub Ltrim(Text As String) As String
    Do While Left(Text, 1) =" "
        Text = Right(Text, Len(Text)-1)
    Return Text
End Sub

'Description: Return the right trimmed string from another
'Tags: rtrim, trim, string
Sub Rtrim(Text As String) As String
    Do While Right(Text, 1) =" "
        Text = Left(Text, Len(Text)-1)
    Return Text
End Sub

'Description: VB val function equivalent to return all numeric values in a string
'Tags: val, string, numericonly
Sub Val(Text As String) As String
    Do While IsNumber(Right(Text,1))=False Then
        If Len(Text) >0 Then
            Text=Left(Text, Len(Text)-1)
        End If 
    If Len(Text) > 0 Then
        Return Text + 0
        Return 0
    End If 
End Sub

'Description: vb IIf equivalent function
Sub iif(Text As String, Text1 As String, Text2 As String) As String
    If Text = True Then Return Text1 Else Return Text2
End Sub

'Description: Pauses operation
'Tags: pause, execution
Sub Pause(Tvar As Int)
    Dim Tstart As Long
    Tstart = DateTime.Now
    Do While DateTime.Now-Tstart < (Tvar*1000)
End Sub

'Description: Return space made of number of
'Tags: space
Sub Space(HM As Int) As String
    Dim RS As String = ""
    Do While Len(RS) < HM
        RS = RS & " "
    Return RS
End Sub

'Description: Load a combobox from a multi value delimited string
'Tags: combobox, picker, delimited
Sub ComboBoxFromMV(cbo As Spinner, sValues As String, sDelim As String, bClear As Boolean, xPrefix As String)
    ' load a combo box from multi value fields
    If bClear = True Then cbo.Clear
    Dim spvalues() As String
    Dim i As Int
    Dim itot As Int
    Dim ivalue As String
    spvalues = Regex.Split(sDelim, sValues)
    itot = spvalues.length - 1
    For i = 0 To itot
        ivalue = spvalues(i)
        ivalue = ivalue.Trim
        ivalue = xPrefix & ivalue
End Sub

'Description: Returns a list from a multi value delimited string
'Tags: List, multi-value string,delimited
Sub ListFromMV(lst As List, sValues As String, sDelim As String, bClear As Boolean, bClean As String, xPrefix As String)
    ' convert multi value fields to a list
    If bClear = True Then lst.Initialize
    Dim spvalues() As String
    Dim i As Int
    Dim itot As Int
    Dim ivalue As String
    spvalues = Regex.Split(sDelim, sValues)
    itot = spvalues.length - 1
    For i = 0 To itot
        ivalue = spvalues(i)
        ivalue = ivalue.Trim
        ivalue = xPrefix & ivalue
        If bClean = True Then ivalue = CleanValue(ivalue)
        If lst.IndexOf(ivalue) = -1 Then lst.Add(ivalue)
End Sub

'Description: Return a cleaned string without the values specified only
'Tags: string, replace
Public Sub CleanValue(sValue As String) As String
    sValue = sValue.replace(" ","")
    sValue = sValue.Replace(".","")
    sValue = sValue.Replace("-","")
    sValue = sValue.Replace("&","")
    sValue = sValue.Trim
    Return sValue
End Sub

'Description: Copy values from one combobox to another
'Tags: combobox, picker, copy
Sub ComboBoxCopy(cboSource As Spinner, cboTarget As Spinner)
    Dim i As Int
    Dim itot As Int
    Dim ivalue As String
    itot = cboSource.Size - 1
    For i = 0 To itot
        ivalue = cboSource.GetItem(i)
End Sub

'Description: Return true if device being used is a tablet
'Tags: device size
Sub IsTablet() As Boolean
    Dim lv As LayoutValues
    lv = GetDeviceLayoutValues
       Dim DeviceSize As Int = lv.ApproximateScreenSize
    If DeviceSize >= 6 Then
        Return True
        Return False
    End If
End Sub

'Description: search for a string in a multi value string and return position
'Tags: search, multi-value string
Sub MvSearch(searchvalues As String,strsearch As String,delim As String) As Int
    If searchvalues.length = 0 Then Return -1
    Dim spvalues() As String
    Dim i As Int, itot As Int, ivalue As String
    spvalues = Regex.Split(delim,searchvalues)
    strsearch = strsearch.ToLowerCase
    itot = spvalues.length - 1
    For i = 0 To itot
        ivalue = spvalues(i)
        ivalue = ivalue.ToLowerCase
        If ivalue = strsearch Then Return i
    Return -1
End Sub
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Longtime User
' Helper function to get the icon drawable
Sub GetDrawable(Name As String) As Object
   Dim r As Reflector
   Dim package As String
   Dim id As Int
   package = r.GetStaticField("anywheresoftware.b4a.BA", "packageName")
   id = r.GetStaticField(package & ".R$drawable", Name)
   r.Target = r.GetContext
   r.Target = r.RunMethod("getResources")
   Return r.RunMethod2("getDrawable", id, "")
End Sub


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Just a small comment regarding using such short subs: I have been having problems with the B4A Debugger that kept flagging a "Too many constants" error when starting to compile. My sourcecode was simply too large. I solved this bug today by kicking out as many short subs as I could and simply inserting the code where needed in the B4A code itself.
Especially if subs are only used once or twice there is no need to use subs like this in the first place.
Apparently a sub also counts as a constant. Subs also increase the actual size of your compiled code.
In my past life of VB6, just like you have noted, I also learned for each project to just only use the code applicable to that app. What I usually did was to have code modules with code that I knew I will use sometime in the future and compiled this as a dll. As an example, using code modules with code that does not even apply to an app in the store will give permissions to app for functionality that is not even used by the app and thus dangerous.

I think someone suggested a code snippet manager for B4x, it will indeed come in handly because you will just copy and paste what you need. For now, B4x highlights unused subs and variables, one can just comment these out for the final app. Thanks ;)


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'Description: Convert rgb to hex string
'tag: rgb, hex, conversion
Sub Rgb2Hex(r As Int, g As Int, b As Int) As String
    Dim intC As Int
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    intC = Colors.RGB(r,g,b)
    Return Bit.ToHexString(intC)
End Sub

'Description: convert hex string to rgb
'Tag: rbg, hex, conversion
Sub Hex2RGB(hex As String) As Map
    Dim m As Map
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Dim r,g,b As Int
    ' #E3E2E1
    r = Bit.ParseInt(hex.SubString2(1,3), 16)
    g = Bit.ParseInt(hex.SubString2(3,5), 16)
    b = Bit.ParseInt(hex.SubString2(5,7), 16)
    m.Put("b", b)
    Return m
End Sub


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'Description: Create indexes on an SQLite table
' Tag: sqlite, index, create
' update an existing table and add columns
Sub AddIndexes(SQLite As SQL,TableName As String, Fields As Map)
    Dim i As Int
    For i = 0 To Fields.Size - 1
        Dim sb As StringBuilder
        Dim field As String
        Dim unique As Boolean
        field = Fields.GetKeyAt(i)
        unique = Fields.GetValueAt(i)
        sb.Append("CREATE ")
        If unique = True Then sb.Append("UNIQUE ")
        sb.Append("INDEX [").Append(TableName).Append(field).Append("]")
        sb.Append(" ON [").Append(TableName).Append("] ([").Append(field).Append("])")
        End Try
End Sub


Dim idxs as Map
idxs.put("ColumnName", True)
idxs.put("ColumnName1", False)

True above means the index is unique, i.e. no duplicates allowed. You can put this inside DBUtils.


Well-Known Member
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Fantastic job : thank you !

Just an idea :
put all these codes into an App with some kind of topic search capabilities

I would for sure rate it 5 stars !


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This is a nice collection of how to's...

One caution with any routine manipulating the date format. Because DateTime.DateFormat is global you should save and restore the format on sub entry and exit respectively. Otherwise you could impact the date formatting of the caller.

YearNow with format save/restore
'Description: Return the current system year
'Tags: year, date, today
Public Sub YearNow2() As String
    Dim lNow As Long
    Dim dt As String
    Dim saveformat As String
    saveformat = DateTime.DateFormat    ' save current format
    lNow = DateTime.Now
    DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy"
    dt = DateTime.Date(lNow)
    DateTime.DateFormat = saveformat    ' restore format
    Return dt
End Sub

Nice work over at CodeProject as well!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is a nice collection of how to's...

One caution with any routine manipulating the date format. Because DateTime.DateFormat is global you should save and restore the format on sub entry and exit respectively. Otherwise you could impact the date formatting of the caller.

YearNow with format save/restore
'Description: Return the current system year
'Tags: year, date, today
Public Sub YearNow2() As String
    Dim lNow As Long
    Dim dt As String
    Dim saveformat As String
    saveformat = DateTime.DateFormat    ' save current format
    lNow = DateTime.Now
    DateTime.DateFormat = "yyyy"
    dt = DateTime.Date(lNow)
    DateTime.DateFormat = saveformat    ' restore format
    Return dt
End Sub

Nice work over at CodeProject as well!
Thanks, brilliant...


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I have a table that I want to add records to but first I need to find the next available key, so I decided on a max function where before I add the record, i return the max value of a particular field in the table and then increment that with 1.

The problem with this approach though is that if the table does not have any records, NULL is returned by max and causes a NullException error on the app as my nc = nc + 1 gets a NULL value. After looking around I stumbled accross some function in SQLite called coalesce, so I updated my DBUtils to have this method.

The SQLite coalesce function returns the first non-null expression in the list.

public Sub NextCount(SQL As SQL, TableName As String, PrimaryKey As String) As String
    'The SQLite coalesce function returns the first non-null expression in the list.
    Dim ll As List
    ll = ExecuteMemoryTable(SQL, "select coalesce(max(" & PrimaryKey & "),0) as records from " & TableName,Null,1)
    Dim Cols() As String
    Cols = ll.Get(0)
    Return Cols(0)
End Sub


Dim nc = DButils.NextCount(SQL,"Components","id")
nc = nc + 1

So if my max(id) is NULL, the function will return 0 which is the default and non NULL value in the list. This solved my problem.



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'executes a query and returns a result
Sub RunQuery(SQL As SQL, Qry As String)
        RanOK = True
        RanOK = False
    End Try
End Sub

' update an existing table and add columns
Sub AddIndexes(SQL As SQL,TableName As String, Fields As Map)
    Dim i As Int
    For i = 0 To Fields.Size - 1
            Dim sb As StringBuilder
            Dim field As String
            Dim unique As Boolean
            field = Fields.GetKeyAt(i)
            unique = Fields.GetValueAt(i)
            sb.Append("CREATE ")
            If unique = True Then sb.Append("UNIQUE ")
            sb.Append("INDEX IF NOT EXISTS [").Append(TableName).Append(field).Append("]")
            sb.Append(" ON [").Append(TableName).Append("] ([").Append(field).Append("])")
            RunQuery(SQL, sb.tostring)
            Log("AddIndexes Error: " & LastException)
        End Try
End Sub


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' return a list of the table index names as a map list of name and unique indicator
Sub GetIndexNames(SQL As SQL,TableName As String) As List
    Dim res1 As List
        Dim cur As ResultSet
        cur = SQL.ExecQuery("PRAGMA INDEX_LIST ('" & TableName & "')")
        Dim table As List
        Do While cur.NextRow
            Dim m As Map
            m.Put("name", cur.GetString("name").ToLowerCase)
            m.Put("unique", cur.GetString("unique"))
    End Try
    Return res1
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Here is a different method but yields similar results to @Mashiane's. It makes use of the sqlite_master table which holds the database schema.It shows how to determine the index name. It can also show you the create index SQL statement syntax:
Dim DBTableName="Base_Wells" As String
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery2("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type= ? AND tbl_name = ?", _
    Array As String("index",DBTableName))
    For i=0 To Cursor1.RowCount-1
'        Log($"${Cursor1.GetString("name")}  ${Cursor1.GetString("sql")} "$)    'Displays: index name and the create index syntax
        Log($"${Cursor1.GetString("name")}"$)    'Displays : the name of the index


Licensed User
Longtime User
Here is a different method but yields similar results to @Mashiane's. It makes use of the sqlite_master table which holds the database schema.It shows how to determine the index name. It can also show you the create index SQL statement syntax:
Dim DBTableName="Base_Wells" As String
Cursor1 = SQL1.ExecQuery2("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type= ? AND tbl_name = ?", _
    Array As String("index",DBTableName))
    For i=0 To Cursor1.RowCount-1
'        Log($"${Cursor1.GetString("name")}  ${Cursor1.GetString("sql")} "$)    'Displays: index name and the create index syntax
        Log($"${Cursor1.GetString("name")}"$)    'Displays : the name of the index
Thanks, cool, I'm trying to use the same in my code to get the column names per index from the sql statement as I plan to use that in an app im working on. Was just busy today so havent concluded that. I like this as its more flexible..


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'Description: Pad a string to the right with a specific character
'Tag: string, padding, right
Sub PadRight(Value As String, MaxLen As Int, PadChar As String) As String
    Dim     intOrdNoLen = Len(Value)
    Dim i As Int
    For i = 1 To (MaxLen - intOrdNoLen) Step 1
           Value = PadChar & Value
    Return Value
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Pad a string to the right with a specific character

You code should be like this:
Sub PadRight(Value As String, MaxLen As Int, PadChar As String) As String
    Dim  intOrdNoLen As Int = Value.Length
    Dim i As Int
    For i = 1 To (MaxLen - intOrdNoLen) Step 1
        Value =  Value & PadChar
    Return Value   'displays: Mashianexxxxxxxxxxxx
End Sub
Log(PadRight("mashiane", 20, "x") )    'displays: Mashianexxxxxxxxxxxx

But, if you really want to kill 2 birds with one stone and make it pad right or left, here is how I do it:
Sub Pad(Value As String, MaxLen As Int, PadChar As String, right As Boolean) As String
    Dim  intOrdNoLen As Int = Value.Length
    Dim i As Int
    For i = 1 To (MaxLen - intOrdNoLen) Step 1
        If right Then
            Value =  Value & PadChar
            Value = PadChar & Value
        End If
    Return Value
End Sub
Log($"${Pad("Mashiane", 20, "x", True)}"$)   'displays: Mashianexxxxxxxxxxxx


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'Description: return the position of a map key
'Tag: map, key, indexof
'return the position of a map key
private Sub MapGetKeyPos(strKey As String, mp As Map) As Int
    Dim kcnt As Int
    Dim ktot As Int = mp.Size - 1
    Dim kstr As String
    For kcnt = 0 To ktot
        kstr = mp.GetKeyAt(kcnt)
        If kstr.ToLowerCase = strKey.ToLowerCase Then
            Return kcnt
        End If
    Return -1
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
It should work also this way:

Dim m As Map
Dim lst As List = m.Keys
Return lst.IndexOf(strKey)

Without the kcnt loop.

(I suppose that you cannot write directly Return m.Keys.IndexOf(strKey) because Keys is an Array, not a List)