B4R Tutorial Shift Registers (Serial In Parallel Out - Parallel In Serial Out)


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This is a very useful tutorial by the guy in dronebotworkshop which opened new horizons for me since I didn't know there were two kinds of shift registers (actually four). Enjoy:

Of course you can use this technology to implement simple port expanders. Personally I don't use them any more and I prefer MCP23017/MCP23S17 solution, because it is almost infinite regarding expansion. And no messy parallel output during register load.


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Longtime User
Of course you can use this technology to implement simple port expanders. Personally I don't use them any more and I prefer MCP23017/MCP23S17 solution, because it is almost infinite regarding expansion. And no messy parallel output during register load.

I checked it on YouTube and components pinouts app. They are impressive. I am not familiar at all with the SPI protocol but I have some basic knowledge of the I2C. Given the 127 separate addresses a simple multiplication gives you 2032 ports. I didn't understand though if through the resisters you have access to all 127 addresses or only in the ones described in the datasheet. I suppose it is the second but after a long day my head is starting misbehaving. Nevertheless a big thank you for the knowledge you gave us all. According to your knowledge is SPI or I2C protocol faster?
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