Hello @Cableguy,
For me I always start my views/controls with 3 letters, for example LblName (Label), TxtName (Textbox), BmpPhoto (Bitmap), ImgPhoto (Imageview), ChkPaid (CheckBox), CmbCondition (ComboBox) etc etc etc. I've always done that from the time I started VB, I think I got the 3 letter thing from a book that I once read.
Option 4: Lbl..., Txt..., Btn... etc
Off topic: For database tables and columns.
When I was learning database queries (many many many years ago) I used to do something like this, and I mean many many years ago.
Not long afterwards (still many many years ago) I changed my queries to something more like this
Then there was this
Now my queries are more like this
The above all gives the save results, but that is progressing over the years for you lol ?
Sometimes I still prefer to use the actual table names rather than table aliases simply because personally it's faster for me to associate with table names rather than table aliases when I'm reading queries quickly. I don't have to think about table names, where sometimes I do have to stop and think about table aliases, I don't use AS anymore either. As you are all well aware one doesn't need to use INNER in my join statements as by default all joins are INNER not unless otherwise stated as a LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, OUT JOIN etc etc etc.
Anyway how did your original post go from Views/Control names to database query naming conventions lol ????????????
For me I always start my views/controls with 3 letters, for example LblName (Label), TxtName (Textbox), BmpPhoto (Bitmap), ImgPhoto (Imageview), ChkPaid (CheckBox), CmbCondition (ComboBox) etc etc etc. I've always done that from the time I started VB, I think I got the 3 letter thing from a book that I once read.
Option 4: Lbl..., Txt..., Btn... etc
Off topic: For database tables and columns.
When I was learning database queries (many many many years ago) I used to do something like this, and I mean many many years ago.
SELECT <Columns>
FROM tbproddesc, tbprodpics
WHERE tbproddesc.Id = tbprodpics.ProdDesc_Id
AND `Stock Code` = 'ABC123';
Not long afterwards (still many many years ago) I changed my queries to something more like this
SELECT <Columns>
FROM proddesc
INNER JOIN prodpics
ON proddesc.Id = prodpics.ProdDesc_Id
WHERE Stock_code = 'ABC123';
Then there was this
SELECT <Columns>
FROM proddesc AS d
JOIN prodpics AS p
ON d.Id = p.ProdDesc_Id
WHERE Stock_code = 'ABC123';
Now my queries are more like this
SELECT <Columns>
FROM proddesc pd
JOIN prodpics pp
ON pd.Id = pp.ProdDesc_Id
WHERE Stock_code = 'ABC123';
Sometimes I still prefer to use the actual table names rather than table aliases simply because personally it's faster for me to associate with table names rather than table aliases when I'm reading queries quickly. I don't have to think about table names, where sometimes I do have to stop and think about table aliases, I don't use AS anymore either. As you are all well aware one doesn't need to use INNER in my join statements as by default all joins are INNER not unless otherwise stated as a LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, OUT JOIN etc etc etc.
Anyway how did your original post go from Views/Control names to database query naming conventions lol ????????????
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