I am using AppCompat and on the ToolBar I have an icon which acts as a menu. I have used the following code
I would like to know that whether is there any view/library available for B4A to display a Badge on the Notification Icon. The below given picture shows my requirement.
Another Picture
I have located 2 libraries BadgeView and ViewTagger by DonManfred, but I understand that it can be used only on views and not on the ACMenuItem and also the badge is oval shaped and is not round in shape.
Any advice will be appreciated
I am using AppCompat and on the ToolBar I have an icon which acts as a menu. I have used the following code
Private ActionBar As ACToolBarDark
'Set the ToolBar (it is called ActionBar in the layout file) as the ActionBar of this activity.
#IgnoreWarnings: 11
Sub Activity_CreateMenu(Menu As ACMenu)
Dim Notifications As MSIconicDrawable : Notifications.Initialize("gmd_notifications") : Notifications.Color = 0xffffffff
Dim item As ACMenuItem
'I would like to add the Badge on this ACMenuItem
Menu.Add2(20, 2, "Notifications", Notifications.Drawable).ShowAsAction = item.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS
End Sub
I would like to know that whether is there any view/library available for B4A to display a Badge on the Notification Icon. The below given picture shows my requirement.
Another Picture
I have located 2 libraries BadgeView and ViewTagger by DonManfred, but I understand that it can be used only on views and not on the ACMenuItem and also the badge is oval shaped and is not round in shape.
Any advice will be appreciated