iOS Question signiant upload error


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Hi All,

I have been using the b4i upload to itunes connect successfully for months until today. It is saying signiant error or invalid port. Has anyone else been getting this with any newly created IPA's?

I tried it on different Internet providers so it may be some new requirment or update by apple causing this?

Any thoughts on what it might be?




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Same issue here,

I have been trying to upload for three days now.

iTunes Connect shows my old version 1.46 and three versions of my new version 1.47 with (Processing...) .

Very frustrating, spoke to Apple, still awaiting a solution from them...
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spoke as in a phone call?

didn't know you could contact them directly desides that forum.
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Does it still fail to all the users who posted in this thread?

it does for me...

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and now you're rebooting the servers? :)

Uploading ipa file.
Communication error: ConnectFailure
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Allan Cameron

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This is the error message I have just received:

"Error Domain=ITunesTransporterErrorDomain Code=-18000 \"The max number of retries was performed. The package will not be uploaded.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=The max number of retries was performed. The package will not be uploaded., NSLocalizedDescription=The max number of retries was performed. The package will not be uploaded., NSLocalizedFailureReason=The max number of retries was performed. The package will not be uploaded.}"
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i uploaded with your temporary id.

why we can't upload with our id? what is the problem?
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it worked for me aswell with the temp server id, thanks!

what's the difference between the two? does it end up on another server where things work fine?
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I read as I initially stated that a signiant related error is sometimes tied to filesystem error that a file or folder becomes locked and this points to a specific set of servers being corrupted. Apple sys admin needs to do a system check fix the file system. Reboot and remount for the server or even cloud storage audit
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Hi Erel

Thanks for finding the root cause and proving it is an issue worthy of Apple. I reflected your findings to apple to expedite their analysis and resolution
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Thanks Erel! for uploading our app and setting up the temp builder id. App is now submitted and under review...
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