I have been using the b4i upload to itunes connect successfully for months until today. It is saying signiant error or invalid port. Has anyone else been getting this with any newly created IPA's?
I tried it on different Internet providers so it may be some new requirment or update by apple causing this?
Apple replied still stressing on version of xcode and app loader. I will try one last time to explain its not an xcode issue but a signature blocking issue.
For my understandin the user ID we get is to allow access to the host builder but it also becomes part of the signature of the resultant IPA file as well? Is it possible apple may be unwittingly blacklisting our ID's? If so and apple doesnt see it as their problem to fix how difficult is it to regenerate new user ID's for all paying customers.
Ok so thats more positive proof it is a server user account issue where either write privileges are revoked or expire or a server needs to reboot etc.
I want to reply to Apple support but I have another question for clarity sake. Who creates this user ID? Apple? Or B4x and the app loader checks a local user list and maps it to a server on b4x server farm or apple server farm. If on Apple servers then it should be easy enough to see which servers are misbehaving and we send that list to apple to remedy
@Markos, I think that you should close this. There is a workaround available.
If Apple will not fix this issue in a couple of days then I will contact them.
This glitch is tied to Apple's use of the Signiant file transfer platform. Something is out of agreement between the Signiant client (Xcode's Application Loader) and the Signiant host the client is attempting to upload through.