your initial post was somewhat misleading. to accomplish what you now describe as your goal you need to write a listener.
that, in itself, isn't technically difficult, but it helps if you are familiar with how sensors behave and what their output
values mean and what threshold, if any, needs to be reached. i'm guessing you are familiar, so you can
probably get chatgpt to draw up a template that makes sense to you. i know there are examples of sensor
listener code out there. it doesn't have to be a "library" per se; inline java would work. depending on the example,
with small tweaks, it could almost be plug and play. you would run it with a javaobject. development time would
be faster with inline java. a library is more tidy but involves (not unbearable) extra steps. inline java could always
be converted to library format after bugs were dispatched.
a forum member apparently developed such a listener:
I'm trying to use significant_motion sensor, I have it working in native Android so my HW/FW support is there (Galaxy S4 with Android 4.3 api 18). I have added it as a normal sensor in B4A AddSensor(17, "SIGNIFICANT_MOTION", False) It returns a maxValue = 1 (so somehow is seen?), but...
but he has not visited the forum for a number of years (perhaps after making lots of money with his listener).
he would have presumably known if such a listener were sufficiently sensitive.
your thread is still in the early stages; someone else may stumble across it. hang tight.