With great kindness @Erel has granted the use of the httpServer library sources for Androd.
The changes I would like to make are actually very few: I would like to add the SSL protocol. I have found several ways on the net to add an SSL connector, I would like to try them to understand which one really works.
I tried SLC (Simple Library Compiler) with the original, unmodified source.
I wanted to do a test ... and here is the result: File name or extension too long
HttpServer library how use Https
Hi, I am using the HttpServer library to communicate with a web application, I would like to know how to use the Https protocol with an SSLcertificate. Raffaele

The changes I would like to make are actually very few: I would like to add the SSL protocol. I have found several ways on the net to add an SSL connector, I would like to try them to understand which one really works.
I tried SLC (Simple Library Compiler) with the original, unmodified source.
I wanted to do a test ... and here is the result: File name or extension too long