Java Question Simple Library Compiler - System.componentmodel.win32exception


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With great kindness @Erel has granted the use of the httpServer library sources for Androd.

The changes I would like to make are actually very few: I would like to add the SSL protocol. I have found several ways on the net to add an SSL connector, I would like to try them to understand which one really works.

I tried SLC (Simple Library Compiler) with the original, unmodified source.
I wanted to do a test ... and here is the result: File name or extension too long



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Hard to say. Compile it with Eclipse.

HttpServer is a very old library. Mistakenly the jetty source code is included in the library. The correct way to build it is by separating the B4A library with the jetty jar.

It was created before B4J was available. B4J + jServer are 1000 times more powerful and practically replaced this library.


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HttpServer is a very old library. Mistakenly the jetty source code is included in the library. The correct way to build it is by separating the B4A library with the jetty jar.
I was able to take a few steps to extend the httpServer library to support SSL / TSL.

The problem seems (if I'm not in error) is the very presence of Jetty inside the library.
I need to import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl in order to use the SslContextFactory and SslSelectChannelConnector object
In the Jetty version present in HttpServer it does not contain the subclass SSL inside util.

I tried adding jetty-util-8.1.15.jar (which I downloaded from the internet) with this command:
#AdditionalJar: Jetty-util-8.1.15.v20140411
But there is no result, the objects contained in the SSL class are not imported.

Any suggestions?

P.S. Please explain in a simple way, I understand very little English and even less Java


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Thanks anyway.

The only way seems to rewrite everything. I keep the project pending, usually after 1 or 2 years a solution comes to mind. We hope they can wait.