Android Question small WIFI Direct group


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I want to create group of 4..10 tablets that are logging some inputs (simple touch events), and send them to a "master" tablet that store and display some values.
- I cannot use the "master" as hotspot, because of some restriction imposed by the network administrator ( don't admit an extra WIFI network, besides the existing one, and don't accept the tablets in his WIFI network)
- the tablets don't have Bluetooth,
so the only possibility is to use WIFI Direct (it's available and tested on all devices).
I started to study the WIFI Direct example, it works, but i have some questions:
1. is it possible to use WIFI Direct for this task ?
2. is it possible to choose the group owner (the master) ?
3. I call the method manager.DiscoverPeers. It will be active as long as the activity is active, or it will stop on other conditions?
4. I see that sometimes the PeersDiscovered event fires, with Sucess=true, but with 0 devices on list

Thank you,


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I tried your Example, with 4 tablets:
- press Discover, one became Owner (M), the other clients (S1, S2, S3)
- M see 3 Peered Devices
- S1, S2 and S3 Peered Devices :1
- Press Connect on S1, i can change message with M
- pressing Connect on S2, S1 is Disconnected, S2 can change messages with M
- same on S3 ..
so, connecting one S, the other are disconnected.
I run this configuration for more than 6 hours, seems to be stable. It does exactly what i need, with one exception: the M is randomly (?) chosen from one of the devices.
I come back with 2nd question, is there any possibility to choose the master ? it's important for me to have a well known master (this one will be accepted in the WAN).

Thank you,
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I replaced manager.Connect with manager.Connect2 on Example, but i didn't notice any difference.
I tried with GroupOwner=True on each tablet on group (1 with TRUE, 3 with FALSE), but only once the group Owner was selected the one with true.
I mention that i uninstalled the previous example before running new one, and i cleared the WIFI Direct Remembered peers history.
I'm I missing something ?
I read in the Android documentation about the WifiP2pConfig class and groupOwnerIntent parameter, but I'm afraid that it cannot be linked with your library - at least not at my very beginner level.
Anyway, thank you for your effort, I will continue my project with focus on data exchange, as I see that once established a group, it is remembered and used by all units in that group (I mean that it seems that the Owner remains the same units when the group is restarted).

Best Regards,
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