Android Question Smartwatch 240x240 AbstractLayouts.txt

Alberto Iglesias

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Erel,

I´m trying to estabelish a layout to my new smartwatch with Android 4.0.4 with resolution 240x240 and I put in AbstractLayouts.txt a line:

Smartwatch MLais: 240x240, scale=1

But when I choose this option, not reflect the device, is minor than real device

And when I choose MATCH CONNECTED DEVICE ( and my smartwatch is connected, look the photos)

not working, is appear 320x480! WHY????

In device LOG, debbuging my Code I put this to confirm the sizes:

Dim LV As LayoutValues
LV = GetDeviceLayoutValues
Dim lHeight As Int, lWidth As Int
lWidth = LV.Width : lHeight = LV.Height
Log("lWidth=" & lWidth & " x lHeight=" & lHeight )

and the result is: lWidth=240 x lHeight=240

Look the PREVIEW.JPG, when I choose: Smartwatch MLais: 240x240, scale=1
Look the MATCH NO OK.JPG: Not reflect the size of device connected

The Device is SMARTWATCH from MLAIS.IT look details in:

Thank You for your help


  • Match no OK.jpg
    Match no OK.jpg
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  • Preview.jpg
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