The following 3 snippets of code send an SMS but - alas - charging the recipient ALWAYS the cost of the so-called "SMS delivery reports"; in total 0.15 + 0.19 euros. This also if the recipient has a telephone plan that includes hundreds of free SMS. AND EVEN if the recipient has cleared the checkbox that appears in Messages - Menu - Settings - Text Messages (SMS) - SMS delivery reports (Request delivery report for each message you sent).
Is there a way to prevent these unnecessary costs for the recipient of the SMS?
Thanks for the attention.
Dim Sms1 As PhoneSms
Dim Sms1 As PhoneSms
Sub SendSms(PhoneNumber As String, Text As String)
Dim ps As PhoneSms
Dim r As Reflector
r.Target = r.RunStaticMethod("android.telephony.SmsManager", "getDefault", Null, Null)
r.RunMethod4("sendTextMessage", Array As Object(PhoneNumber, Null, Text, Null, Null), _
Array As String("java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String", _
"", ""))
End Sub
Is there a way to prevent these unnecessary costs for the recipient of the SMS?
Thanks for the attention.