Iam downloading some resources (data) and saving them in a JobDone_Sub. Each data will receive a PO_Number and then I have to send it back to the cloud. How garante that DbUtils.InsertMaps will be finished before I begin to send the data back with (job.PostString("http://....", "UPDATE.....")
Iam downloading some resources (data) and saving them in a JobDone_Sub. Each data will receive a PO_Number and then I have to send it back to the cloud. How garante that DbUtils.InsertMaps will be finished before I begin to send the data back with (job.PostString("http://....", "UPDATE.....")
Sub JobDone(job As HttpJob)
Public badger1 As Badger
If job.Success Then
Log("Job.GetString=" & job.GetString)
Select job.JobName
Case "BxContatos"
' Produtos: idpi, itens
Dim Itens As String
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As List = parser.NextArray
Dim Dcolroot As Map
If root.Size>0 Then
DBUtils.InsertMaps(ADM.SQL3, "contatos", root)
End If