B4R Question Socket connection not made


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I have recently changed computers and upgraded to the newest option of ESp32 via the Arduino board manager.

I now find that I cannot establish a socket connection between a B4j (or A) test program and the ESP32 which is running an AP network. The attached is a set of test programs. I have deleted the response from the B4R to the B4J for clarity.

I have been using these programs for about 6 months now with very little problem

The WIFI connection makes to the B4J but not the socket connection.

Tried it on multiple ESP 32's

Any assistance gratefully received


  • Wifi_Test_B4J.zip
    6.9 KB · Views: 230
  • Wifi_Test.zip
    1.3 KB · Views: 234
  • Capture.JPG
    113.8 KB · Views: 236


Active Member
Licensed User
Hi Erel
I found that during the B4r compilation it was using the WIFI library in the Arduino Sketch folder instead of the ESP32 folder. They are quite different.. In fact I have three versions of wire on my installation! All seems to now be working well.. Why ESP dont' use a modifier in their updated libraries such as you do with rEEPROM etc bets me. A quick google search showed others with the same issue
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