B4i Library Socket.IO Client Library


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Not completed?
I'm working on it and will post it when it's done. As this library was posted for all the members I have to check the android version also else the connection between both wrappers will not work when upgrading the ios version. This whole process takes time.

I am not a full-time B4X library developer. I do this in my free time. If you have a deadline you can dm me or post it on the job offer forum and I will prioritize the task.


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Update v1.40:
  1. Based on the latest working version.
  2. Connection methods' signatures have been changed. Check above.
  3. This version is compatible with Socket.io server v2, v3, v4.
  4. Now you have to pass the server version while connecting to the server.
    1. For v2.x.x pass 2
    2. For v3.x.x and later pass 3
  5. Socket.io server v1 is no longer supported. Those who want to use v1 download the older wrapper and frameworks.
  6. Consider this as the last update because Objective-C is no longer supported.


Active Member
When I use "EmitString" it gives the following error:
-[__NSCFNumber bytes]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x92d379ca88f8548a


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When I use "EmitString" it gives the following error:
-[__NSCFNumber bytes]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x92d379ca88f8548a
When you post an issue you have to post the relevant code also just by seeing this error log no one can guess what is the error.
Last edited:


Active Member
When you post an issue you have to post the relevant code also just by seeing this error log no one can guess what is the error.
This log Socket:
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Emitting: 20["joinRoom","12445"], Ack: false
LOG OnAckCallback: OnAckCallback for 0 being released
LOG SocketEngine: Writing poll: 20["joinRoom","12445"] has data: false
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Sending poll: 20["joinRoom","12445"] as type: 4
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Got polling response
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Got poll message: 2:40
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 40
LOG SocketParser: Parsing 0
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Doing polling GET http://.../socket.io/?transport=polling&b64=1&EIO=3&sid=ocgvVOa95zRhZtcHAK7H
LOG SocketParser: Decoded packet as: SocketPacket {type: 0; data: []; id: -1; placeholders: 0; nsp: /}
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: websocketUpgrade with data: [["sec-websocket-accept": "vSA3jXOEnqWOMFQZHYaAeV489mg=", "upgrade": "websocket", "connection": "Upgrade"]]
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws: probe as type: 2
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Created POST string: 23:420["joinRoom","12445"]
LOG SocketEnginePolling: POSTing
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Doing polling POST http://.../socket.io/?transport=polling&b64=1&EIO=3&sid=ocgvVOa95zRhZtcHAK7H
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Got polling response
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Got poll message: 1:3
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 3
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: pong with data: []
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Doing polling GET http://.../socket.io/?transport=polling&b64=1&EIO=3&sid=ocgvVOa95zRhZtcHAK7H
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 3probe
LOG SocketEngine: Received probe response, should upgrade to WebSockets
LOG SocketEngine: Upgrading transport to WebSockets
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Sending poll:  as type: 6
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: pong with data: []
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Got polling response
LOG SocketEnginePolling: Got poll message: 16:42["joinRoom",1]
LOG SocketEngine: Got message: 42["joinRoom",1]
LOG SocketEngine: Switching to WebSockets
LOG SocketParser: Parsing 2["joinRoom",1]
LOG SocketEngineWebSocket: Sending ws:  as type: 5
LOG SocketEngine: Flushing probe wait
LOG SocketParser: Decoded packet as: SocketPacket {type: 2; data: [joinRoom, 1]; id: -1; placeholders: -1; nsp: /}
LOG SocketIOClient{/}: Handling event: joinRoom with data: [1]

And this error:
-[__NSCFNumber bytes]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xbdd5bd32aee97731
Stack Trace: (
  CoreFoundation       E2F84645-2905-31EF-8EC7-3CC19C3CDDB3 + 626960
  libobjc.A.dylib      objc_exception_throw + 60
  CoreFoundation       E2F84645-2905-31EF-8EC7-3CC19C3CDDB3 + 1532100
  CoreFoundation       E2F84645-2905-31EF-8EC7-3CC19C3CDDB3 + 189732
  CoreFoundation       _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 96
  Hanta                -[B4IArray setBytesData:] + 92
  Hanta                -[B4INativeObject NSDataToArray:] + 116
  Hanta                __32-[iSocketIOClient AddListener::]_block_invoke + 356
  SocketIO             $sSo7NSArrayC8SocketIO0B10AckEmitterCIeyByy_SayypGAEIeggg_TRTA + 64
  SocketIO             $s8SocketIO0A8IOClientC11handleEvent_4data17isInternalMessage7withAckySS_SayypGSbSitF + 700
 SocketIO             $s8SocketIO0A8IOClientC12handlePacketyyAA0aE0VF + 228
 SocketIO             $s8SocketIO0A7ManagerC18parseEngineMessageyySSFyycfU_ + 416
 SocketIO             $sIeg_IeyB_TR + 20
 libdispatch.dylib    BD02A625-8475-3FD6-8DC3-8AED25D1573B + 10532
 libdispatch.dylib    BD02A625-8475-3FD6-8DC3-8AED25D1573B + 18032
 libdispatch.dylib    _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 944
 CoreFoundation       E2F84645-2905-31EF-8EC7-3CC19C3CDDB3 + 335236
 CoreFoundation       E2F84645-2905-31EF-8EC7-3CC19C3CDDB3 + 48988
 CoreFoundation       CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
 GraphicsServices     GSEventRunModal + 164
 UIKitCore            920A0EE6-D266-3058-8144-27A27B23AD62 + 5346768
 UIKitCore            UIApplicationMain + 364
 Hanta                main + 104
 dyld                 start + 520
SignalHandler 6


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Hanta -[B4IArray setBytesData:] + 92
Hanta -[B4INativeObject NSDataToArray:] + 116
Hanta __32-[iSocketIOClient AddListener::]_block_invoke + 356
As per these three lines, the error is occurring from the B4XSerializor that I used internally to convert list, map, array object to byte. Also, the issue is not coming from the EmitString. It's coming from the AddListener function.

Can you post the block_invoke sub code and what type of data you are sending from the server to this listener? If you don't want to post publicly you can dm me.


Active Member
First i added this line:
And next:
In b4a i use this line to get data: (also i cpoy this line in b4i)
Private Sub socket_joinroom(txt As String)
        Log("joinRoom: " & txt)
    End Try
End Sub


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Private Sub socket_joinroom(txt As String)
the method signature is wrong. The parameter should be a list not string. check the first post or the example project

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