After a lot of searching and unsuccessful attempts to find a method or library that will allow changing the screen orientation without killing the activity, I decided to make the library myself. As is known, in the Android operating system, after changing the orientation of the screen, the activity is killed and all views are redrawn. This can have a very negative impact on certain views that cannot save their current instance (eg WebView, ListView, etc.). The content of these objects must be rewritten and repopulated (refreshed). In some cases this may not be a problem, but in a certain number of cases it is a big problem (e.g. a filled form in a WebView will be deleted, a filled ListView with several hundred rows will return the scroll position to the beginning and lose the complete content that must be filled again, CheckBox will reset its status, also RadioButton etc.)
Also, one of the best features of B4X, B4XPages, is limited to the fact that each B4X page must use the same screen orientation (landscape or portrait) because when the screen orientation is changed, the activity and all its views (like the B4X page Panels) are reset and the whole application restarts.
Using the SoftOrientation library provides the following possibilities:
The working principle of the library is based on the fact that when the screen orientation is changed, the library changes the size of the activity to the size of the free space for displaying the activity in the current orientation. Also, in parallel with changing the size of the activity, an invisible Panel is created whose size is the same as the new size of the activity. After that, the Layout is loaded into the invisible panel in relation to the current orientation. Then each view in the activity is resized to the size of the same view in the invisible Panel. After that the invisible Panel is killed and the activity is adjusted for the current screen orientation. The principle is the same in B4XPages, with the fact that in addition to changing the size of the Activity, the size of the Root panel also changes.
So the library can be used in projects that are based on Activities, and also in projects that are based on B4X pages.
It is necessary to add the following line to the Manifest. For an activity-based project, you need to add a line to the Manifest for each Activity that will use Soft Orientation.
Below are examples of how to use the library:
For the B4XPages example, the ThreePagesExample from @Erel was used.
As @Erel has mentioned several times, and it is also Google's recommendation that the onConfigurationChanged principle should not be used if it is not necessary. So, if the use of this library is not necessary for your project, do not use it. Use the library if you really need it.
The library and the htm file with methods and properties are packed in the zip file There are also two example projects, one for an Activity-based project, the other for B4XPages.
The following libraries are necessary for the library to work:
If this library makes your work easier and saves time in creating your application, please make a donation.
Also, one of the best features of B4X, B4XPages, is limited to the fact that each B4X page must use the same screen orientation (landscape or portrait) because when the screen orientation is changed, the activity and all its views (like the B4X page Panels) are reset and the whole application restarts.
Using the SoftOrientation library provides the following possibilities:
- Prevents killing the activity and redrawing all views with their initial instances.
- Instances of all views remain as they were before the orientation change.
- Activity_Create and Activity_Resume subs are not called after orientation change
- Allows defining the screen orientation for each B4X page in the B4XPages project
The working principle of the library is based on the fact that when the screen orientation is changed, the library changes the size of the activity to the size of the free space for displaying the activity in the current orientation. Also, in parallel with changing the size of the activity, an invisible Panel is created whose size is the same as the new size of the activity. After that, the Layout is loaded into the invisible panel in relation to the current orientation. Then each view in the activity is resized to the size of the same view in the invisible Panel. After that the invisible Panel is killed and the activity is adjusted for the current screen orientation. The principle is the same in B4XPages, with the fact that in addition to changing the size of the Activity, the size of the Root panel also changes.
So the library can be used in projects that are based on Activities, and also in projects that are based on B4X pages.
It is necessary to add the following line to the Manifest. For an activity-based project, you need to add a line to the Manifest for each Activity that will use Soft Orientation.
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:configChanges, "orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize|screenLayout")
Below are examples of how to use the library:
Activity based project:
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Private xui As XUI
End Sub
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
Private SoftOrientationMain As SoftOrientationForActivities
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
'This event will be activated when the orientation change procedure is completed.
Private Sub SoftOrientationMain_ActivityConfigurationChanged (NewConfiguration As AndroidContentResConfiguration)
If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Then
Else if NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Then
End If
End Sub
'Do not forget to add line in Manifest for your future projects: SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:configChanges, "orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize|screenLayout")
'Do not forget to create single Layout file for portrait and landscape mode in Designer in your future projects. Recommended to use variants, designer script and anchors.
'********************Copy this part of codes to your future project Main activity, including Java code*********************************
Public Sub onConfigurationChanged (NewConfig As Object)
End Sub
#If Java
import android.content.res.Configuration;
public void onConfigurationChanged (Configuration newConfig) {
processBA.raiseEvent(null, "onconfigurationchanged", newConfig);
#End If
'************************************End of code*********************************************************************************************
B4XPages MainActivity:
Sub Process_Globals
End Sub
Sub Globals
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim pm As B4XPagesManager
End Sub
'Template version: B4A-1.0
#Region Delegates
Sub Activity_ActionBarHomeClick
End Sub
Sub Activity_KeyPress (KeyCode As Int) As Boolean
Return B4XPages.Delegate.Activity_KeyPress(KeyCode)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
B4XPages.Delegate.Activity_PermissionResult(Permission, Result)
End Sub
Sub Create_Menu (Menu As Object)
End Sub
'Do not forget to add line in Manifest for your future projects: SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:configChanges, "orientation|keyboardHidden|screenSize|screenLayout")
'Do not forget to create single Layout file for portrait and landscape mode in Designer for each B4XPage in your future projects. Recommended to use variants, designer script and anchors.
'********************Copy this part of codes to your B4XPages future project Main activity, including Java code*********************************
Public Sub onConfigurationChanged (NewConfig As Object)
'SoftOrientationMain is variable name for SoftOrientationForB4XPages in B4XMainPage. Change it depending on your variable name in your future projects.
If B4XPages.MainPage.SoftOrientationMain.IsInitialized Then
End If
End Sub
#If Java
import android.content.res.Configuration;
public void onConfigurationChanged (Configuration newConfig) {
processBA.raiseEvent(null, "onconfigurationchanged", newConfig);
#End If
'************************************End of code*********************************************************************************************
B4XPages B4XMainPage:
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView 'ignore
Private xui As XUI 'ignore
Public txtUser As B4XFloatTextField
Private btnLogin As B4XView
Public Page2 As B4XPage2
Public Page3 As B4XPage3
Public SoftOrientationMain As SoftOrientationForB4XPages
Public SoftOrientationMainPage As SoftOrientationB4XPage
End Sub
'You can add more parameters here.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
'load the layout to Root
B4XPages.AddPage("Page 2", Page2)
B4XPages.AddPage("Page 3", Page3)
End Sub
Sub B4XPage_Appear
txtUser.Text = ""
End Sub
'This event will be activated when the orientation change procedure is completed.
Sub SoftOrientationMainPage_ActivityConfigurationChanged (NewConfiguration As AndroidContentResConfiguration)
If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Then
Log("SoftOrientationMainPage orientation PORTRAIT")
Else If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Then
Log("SoftOrientationMainPage orientation LANDSCAPE")
End If
End Sub
Sub btnLogin_Click
B4XPages.ShowPageAndRemovePreviousPages("Page 2")
End Sub
Sub txtUser_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
btnLogin.Enabled = New.Length > 0
End Sub
Sub txtUser_EnterPressed
If btnLogin.Enabled Then btnLogin_Click
End Sub
B4XPages Page2:
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView 'ignore
Private xui As XUI 'ignore
Private lblHello As B4XView
Private ImageView1 As B4XView
Private Page3 As B4XPage3
Public SoftOrientationPage2 As SoftOrientationB4XPage
End Sub
'You can add more parameters here.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
'load the layout to Root
Page3 = B4XPages.GetPage("Page 3")
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Appear
lblHello.Text = $"Hello ${B4XPages.MainPage.txtUser.Text}!"$
End Sub
'This event will be activated when the orientation change procedure is completed.
Sub SoftOrientationPage2_ActivityConfigurationChanged (NewConfiguration As AndroidContentResConfiguration)
If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Then
Log("SoftOrientationPage2 orientation PORTRAIT")
Else If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Then
Log("SoftOrientationPage2 orientation LANDSCAPE")
End If
End Sub
Sub btnDraw_Click
B4XPages.ShowPage("Page 3")
End Sub
Sub UpdateImage
If Page3.Panel1.IsInitialized Then
End If
End Sub
Sub btnSignOut_Click
End Sub
B4XPages Page3:
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView 'ignore
Private xui As XUI 'ignore
Public cvs As B4XCanvas
Public Panel1 As B4XView
Public SoftOrientationPage3 As SoftOrientationB4XPage
End Sub
'You can add more parameters here.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
'This event will be called once, before the page becomes visible.
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
'load the layout to Root
B4XPages.SetTitle(Me, "Draw Something")
#if B4A
B4XPages.AddMenuItem(Me, "Random Background")
#End If
End Sub
Sub B4XPage_Appear
End Sub
'This event will be activated when the orientation change procedure is completed.
Sub SoftOrientationPage3_ActivityConfigurationChanged (NewConfiguration As AndroidContentResConfiguration)
If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Then
Log("SoftOrientationPage3 orientation PORTRAIT")
Else If NewConfiguration.Orientation=NewConfiguration.Constants.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Then
Log("SoftOrientationPage3 orientation LANDSCAPE")
End If
End Sub
Sub Panel1_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
cvs.DrawCircle(X, Y, 10dip, Rnd(xui.Color_Black, xui.Color_White), True, 0)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnClear_Click
End Sub
Public Sub ClearImage
If Panel1.IsInitialized Then
End If
End Sub
Sub btnSet_Click
End Sub
Sub B4XPage_Resize (Width As Int, Height As Int)
cvs.Resize(Width, Height)
End Sub
Sub B4XPage_MenuClick (Tag As String)
If Tag = "Random Background" Then
cvs.DrawRect(cvs.TargetRect, Rnd(xui.Color_Black, xui.Color_White), True, 0)
End If
End Sub
#if B4J
'Delegate the native menu action to B4XPage_MenuClick.
Sub MenuBar1_Action
Dim mi As MenuItem = Sender
Dim t As String
If mi.Tag = Null Then t = mi.Text.Replace("_", "") Else t = mi.Tag
End Sub
#End If
For the B4XPages example, the ThreePagesExample from @Erel was used.
As @Erel has mentioned several times, and it is also Google's recommendation that the onConfigurationChanged principle should not be used if it is not necessary. So, if the use of this library is not necessary for your project, do not use it. Use the library if you really need it.
The library and the htm file with methods and properties are packed in the zip file There are also two example projects, one for an Activity-based project, the other for B4XPages.
The following libraries are necessary for the library to work:
- JavaObject
- Reflection
- B4XPages (only for B4XPages based project)
If this library makes your work easier and saves time in creating your application, please make a donation.
Donate to Ivica Golubovic
Help support Ivica Golubovic by donating or sharing with your friends.
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