I have a question for PreferencesDialog users.
Well, I cannot cope with editing the COMPANY field (see photo).
When I am about to delete all its contents to NULL form and after accepting
all other fields, however, the contents of Item.Get ("Company") remain
no change, and expected NULL as intended.
code snippet:
thanks for the help in advance.
I have a question for PreferencesDialog users.
Well, I cannot cope with editing the COMPANY field (see photo).
When I am about to delete all its contents to NULL form and after accepting
all other fields, however, the contents of Item.Get ("Company") remain
no change, and expected NULL as intended.
code snippet:
Wait For (PrefDialog.ShowDialog(Item, "OK", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int):
If RowId > 0 Then 'View the content of the fields
Dim Item As Map = B4XTable1.GetRow(RowId)
Dim components() As String = Regex.Split(" ",Item.Get("Name"))
Item.Put("FirstName", components(0))
Item.Put("LastName", components(1))
End If
Wait For (PrefDialog.ShowDialog(Item, "OK", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
Dim id As Int
Dim params As List
If RowId = 0 Or Action >=2 And Action <=3 Then 'add new row
If B4XSwitch1.Value Then B4XSwitch1_ValueChanged(False)
id = B4XTable1.mCurrentCount + 1 'new rowid
id = Item.Get("CustomerId")
End If
' If Item.Get("Company") = "null" Then Item.Put("Company",Null)
' If Item.Get("Address") = "null" Then Item.Put("Address",Null)
params.AddAll(Array(id, Item.Get("FirstName"), Item.Get("LastName"), Item.Get("Company"), Item.Get("Address"), Item.Get("Email"))) 'keys based on the template json file
thanks for the help in advance.