Yep, familiar with this tut you directed us to.
Installing was not an issue... updating was - when expired...
Seems this is THE problem with FREE ssl certs (Let's Encrypt)... Manual updating - when you discover it HAS expired.
Why there is not an automatic renewal for LE, I don't understand? I paid for an other SSL that was a pain to install - but would never expire...
I would pay for that (LE - auto renew - without me going insane).
I know this is not your issue to resolve.
@OliverA is the mastermind in this regard - but us mere mortals have much trouble comprehending - and repeating / renewal.
We shall overcome - lament....
The real problem is that these SSL folks/providers DID NOT use B4X to build their product(s).
If they had, no one would have any problem with any Java implementation (in my simple mind).
@Erel , build one and I shall subscribe and pay....