iOS Question [SOLVED] App rejected for 3erd time, metadata not accurate Ipad Pro 2dn and 3rd edition


Licensed User
I'm really tired, got rejected over and over, this time for accurate metadata on my screen captures for iPads. I did then using and rezise them to 2048 x 2732, I think I reversed the horizontal and vertical resolution?, can anyone provide me with a template image for those devices?
Both devices have the same resolution?

I attache one of my samples


  • 10.jpg
    144.6 KB · Views: 175


Licensed User
Another free simulator, that give´s you 30 minutes for testing, is BrowserStack, however when I upload the simulator ready ipa file,BrowserStack generates an error: 64 bits ipa required, this image is for 32 bits. BrowserStack have iPad Pro as devices available for free simulation and have older devices.
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