B4J Question [SOLVED] B4J B4XPAGES remove titlebar in all forms

Gnappo jr

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In this example, threepagesexample three forms are shown
I would like to omit the titlebar in all of them but I can only do it on the main one by inserting the command in the MAIN module:
MainForm.SetFormStyle("TRANSPARENT") ' <====inserted
How can I do to obtain the same result in others?

Main modificato:
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
    MainForm = Form1
    MainForm.SetFormStyle("TRANSPARENT") ' <====inserted
    Dim PagesManager As B4XPagesManager
End Sub


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Of course, I'm not criticizing because I think the work done by Erel is excellent.
I am referring to the B4XPages project "concept". Even in B4J it should be composed of a single Form. I think I read a question about this topic some time ago, and that it is therefore possible (and should be by default). I look for...
Well, it's not really the default, but the "solution" (which however would not exclude what is written in this thread about the style) to have a single Form is to use ShowPageAndRemovePreviousPages.
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... should not cancel the versatility of each part of system.

Why (and who needs, and how) to make Android and iOS homogeneous with Symbian OS ?
And again - at least for me the extra UTILITY-windows in Windows OS big screen are very useful.
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... should not cancel the versatility of each part of system.
Nothing would be canceled out; also with B4A-B4XPages you could add other Activities.

Furthermore, while the advantages of B4XPages with B4A and B4i are many, perhaps with B4J they are not.

However, now I have to study how to organize-structure a part of one of my projects and... having a headache :mad: ?, so we can postpone this chat (or even forget about it completely ?)
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