B4J Question [Solved] -B4J hangs after initial Logo -First time after successful installation


I installed B4J just now.
I am on Windows 7 Pro SP1 64 bit

Installation of B4J was successful.
But after launching, the initial logo appears and then it just hangs.
Very disappointing.

Any suggestions ?


Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Same problem with that also.

You followed both the instructions exactly as written, which included downloading using either JDK 8 or OpenJDK 11 from this website?
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You followed both the instructions exactly as written, which included downloading using either JDK 8 or OpenJDK 11 from this website?

Everything, exactly in the same sequence.
I installed jdk-8u251-windows-x64.exe

If you think it would help, I can try the OpenJDK route.
I will do it anyway and let you know the result.
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It is not related to Java.

The IDE doesn't need Java to be installed when it starts. It sounds like a compatibility issue with .Net Framework. Maybe a display driver problem.

I haven't had any such problem with any other software so far.
Mine is a Dell machine and the display driver is the official one from Dell support.
Which version of .Net framework you suggest ?

Since it is not Java related, I will not bother with installing OpenJDK
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Since it appears to be a very peculiar problem, seemingly not faced by anyone else, we will close this topic.

Thank you all for the prompt support.
It is very reassuring.

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Peter Simpson

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Longtime User
When @kps said he was giving up, I decided to send him a PM with a simple suggestion. We don't want to lose a new B4X developer over something so trivial.

The solution:
I asked him to uninstall the last 2 versions of .Net Framework from his computer. Then download and reinstall them from Microsoft's website in the correct order, in his case that was .Net Framework 4.5.2 then .Net Framework 4.8.

The issue was a failed .Net Framework component. After kps reinstalled the .Net Frameworks, both B4J and B4A started working.
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The issue was a failed .Net Framework component. After kps reinstalled the .Net Frameworks, both B4J and B4A started working.

Yeah, it was as simple as that. Never knew that .NET framework could cause so much trouble.

To supplement what Peter said,
when I wanted to uninstall 4.8, it gave me an option to repair it. I did that. It didn't help.
Then I uninstalled 4.8 and installed 4.5.2 and problem got solved.

So, it is clear that something in 4.8 is breaking your software.

Since Erel could not access that private conversation, I felt I should share the following.

My remark:
"As I said there, it is really very reassuring to have people around who are ready to help in times of need."

Peter's response:
The community:
This is a great community of developers that always try to help each other no matter what the issues are. This community is probably the most active developers on a forum on the internet, and I've watch a lot of developers forums without joining them.

Anywhere Software have created an easy to use set of RAD tools that many developers use as a hobby or to make money from.

Yes, this is a great community and I'm more than sure that you will enjoy being part of it once you get B4J and B4A up and running.

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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
I have no problem with .NET 4.8.
I've had an issue with .Net before, even reinstalling over the top of itself didn't fix the issue with my Visual Studio a few years ago. I was forced to remove .Net, then I used a .Net cleanup tool (it's a bit like the office cleanup tool you use after uninstalling offfice). I reinstalled .Net and my Visual studio starting working again, I didn't even have to reinstall Visual Studio it just starting working, and so did my M$ Office. That situation popped into my head reading about the issue above. I probably would have said to uninstall and reinstall .Net anyway, as I've had a clients that had a .Net issue in the past too...
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