When button is added to panel, tooltip is at wrong position. I am trying this with Erels example. I added one panel and one button in it and this code:
So when user long click on button tooltip must be visible on right position of button but it is visible at wrong position on screen.
How to solve this?
When button is added to panel, tooltip is at wrong position. I am trying this with Erels example. I added one panel and one button in it and this code:
Private Sub Button5_LongClick
Dim btn As B4XView = Sender
ToolTip.Show(btn.Left + btn.Width, btn.Top + btn.Height / 2, "RIGHT", $"wefwefwef lwkef j
jwlkefj lwke fjwe
wefjlwkef jlwkefw
ef wejklfj welkf"$)
End Sub
How to solve this?