Error occurred on line: 89
The line is:
sb.Append($"Date and time: $DateTime{DateUtils.AddPeriod(birthday, time)}"$).Append(CRLF)
DateUtils is null. I added a reference to jDateUtils 1.05 but the exception is still raised.
[I would "like" to ask another question about B4APreferencesDialog but... I know, I should (must ) open a new thread; also, I "need" to solve this bug, before]
The line is:
sb.Append($"Date and time: $DateTime{DateUtils.AddPeriod(birthday, time)}"$).Append(CRLF)
DateUtils is null. I added a reference to jDateUtils 1.05 but the exception is still raised.
[I would "like" to ask another question about B4APreferencesDialog but... I know, I should (must ) open a new thread; also, I "need" to solve this bug, before]