iOS Question [SOLVED] Can not save iPhone photo library objects to file


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I have been mucking around with the iPhone photo library:

In that effort you can generate album and photo "handles" that are returned from the Objective C as B4i objects.

You can then plug these objects back into other Objective C calls, as is, to do things like retrieve thumbs, bitmaps etc from the iPhone photo library.

I would like to be able to save these objects to file but cannot find a way to do it.

Using iRandomAccessFile and either WriteB4XObject or B4XSerializor I generate the same error:

Cannot serialize: ALAsset - Type:photo, URLs:assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=72D30064-1A13-4F73-971F-60567E6209A7&ext=JPG

Where ALAsset - Type:photo,... is the string representation of the object.

Can anyone suggest a way to do this?


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How do I convert it to an array of bytes?
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Well-Known Member
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No, it is some weird key - my description of 'handle' is appropriately vague - if you look at the code pointed to in first post above you will see what I mean.
Sorry for the brevity here - in middle of major Internet outage - doing this on my Samsung which is still up.
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