I suppose this is more of a general question than an Android specific one, but... Is it possible to define the default initialization state of a CustomType?
for example, I have this:
Instead of doing .Initialize and then setting up all the variables of the values that they are supposed to be manually, like TimeoutVisible = True. its initialized as False by default of course
Any way to set/change this behavior? Like when you do something such as Dim XYZ as Boolean = True
for example, I have this:
Type GameOptionsData(HornEnable As Boolean, LightingEnable As Boolean, RetainLighting As Boolean, ShotClockEnable As Boolean, ShotClockHornEnable As Boolean, DualLink As Boolean, ClockPreset1 As String, ClockPreset2 As String, ClockPreset3 As String, TeamFoulLimit As Int, ShotClockLightingEnable As Boolean, _
TimeoutSide As Int, TimeoutVisible As Boolean, PlayerFoulSide As Int)
Public GameOptions As GameOptionsData
Instead of doing .Initialize and then setting up all the variables of the values that they are supposed to be manually, like TimeoutVisible = True. its initialized as False by default of course
Any way to set/change this behavior? Like when you do something such as Dim XYZ as Boolean = True