B4J Question [SOLVED] Different fonts in windows linux and mac


Licensed User
Longtime User
Good evening everyone,

I am trying to make an application (desktop) and the three platforms appear with different fonts (windows appear correctly, linux with no italic and mac no bold and no italic). Is there some trick I should follow to get correct appearing layouts in all three platforms?


Licensed User
Longtime User
I see. Which font is this specific font? What font is available in all three platforms?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I have found a solution:

What one has to do to get similar looks in their application in all three operating systems, is use the Arial font which as Google says is common in Windows and Mac OS since version Mac OS X. Then in Linux all one has to do, is install the Arial fonts with the following commands.

'To Install Arial Fonts in Linux
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
sudo fc-cache

'To check
fc-match Arial

The solution is checked in Windows 10, Ubuntu Linux 22.04 and Mac OS Big Sur and works as expected.
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