I'm trying to create a webp image from a PNG file (generated by a panel capture) using the ConvertImage lib made by @Pendrush .
It works fine if I use a solid background, but the convert fails If I use an transparent backuground.
I don't see any errors in the default logs, but I get this lines in the unfiltered logs:
This is the code and my example is in attached.
Thanks in advance for any tip to solved this problem.
It works fine if I use a solid background, but the convert fails If I use an transparent backuground.
I don't see any errors in the default logs, but I get this lines in the unfiltered logs:
Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x90900000 in tid 17146 (example.savepng)
debuggerd: handling request: pid=17146 uid=11131 gid=11131 tid=17146
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'motorola/athene_t/athene_t:7.0/NPJS25.93-14-18/3:user/release-keys'
Revision: 'p2ad'
ABI: 'arm'
pid: 17146, tid: 17146, name: example.savepng >>> b4a.example.savepng <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x90900000
r0 908ff003 r1 00000800 r2 00000200 r3 908ff803
r4 9079fe00 r5 00000200 r6 9079fff0 r7 908fffe3
r8 00000ffc r9 908ff803 sl 00000200 fp 00000001
ip 00000200 sp be85f318 lr 9079fc00 pc ae9d9f24 cpsr 600d0010
#00 pc 002e4f24 /system/lib/libskia.so
#01 pc 00300cd0 /system/lib/libskia.so
#02 pc 003004fc /system/lib/libskia.so
#03 pc 003005e4 /system/lib/libskia.so (WebPPictureImportRGBA+36)
#04 pc 0029c047 /system/lib/libskia.so (_ZN18SkWEBPImageEncoder8onEncodeEP9SkWStreamRK8SkBitmapi+302)
#05 pc 0009cb5b /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so
#06 pc 018ccfe3 /system/framework/arm/boot-framework.oat (offset 0x15f4000) (android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCompress+158)
#07 pc 018ce44b /system/framework/arm/boot-framework.oat (offset 0x15f4000) (android.graphics.Bitmap.compress+230)
#08 pc 000a91c1 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+64)
#09 pc 004031e9 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub+232)
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
Dim str As String = lst.Get(Rnd(0, lst.Size-1))
label1.Text = str.ToUpperCase
SaveImagePNG(Starter.SharedFolder, "1.png")
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click
Log(File.Exists(Starter.SharedFolder, "1.png"))
Dim Bitmap1 As Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Starter.SharedFolder, "1.png")
Dim SavePathAndFileName As String = File.Combine(Starter.SharedFolder, "1.webp")
ConvertImage1.ConvertBitmapToFile(Bitmap1, SavePathAndFileName, ConvertImage1.TO_WEBP, 70)
ImageView2.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Starter.SharedFolder, "1.webp")
End Sub
Sub SaveImagePNG(img_dir As String, img_nome As String)
Dim x As B4XView = pnlCapture1
Dim b As Bitmap = x.Snapshot
Dim out As OutputStream
out = File.OpenOutput(img_dir, img_nome, False)
b.Resize(512, 512, True).WriteToStream(out, 100, "PNG")
ImageView1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(img_dir, img_nome)
End Sub
Sub TextRnd
lst.Add("Lorem ipsum 1")
lst.Add("LOREM IPSUM 2")
lst.Add("DOLOR SIT AMET 3")
lst.Add("LOREM 4")
lst.Add("IPSUM 5")
lst.Add("DOLOR SIT 6")
lst.Add("SIT AMET 7")
End Sub
Thanks in advance for any tip to solved this problem.