When I try to log someone in with
and they are NOT connected to the internet the sign in of course fails (shown below) but
I never get a response that I can do anything with. My code
never gets called
This is easy to test on a non-cell phone device (tablet) just turn off the internet connection and try to sign the user on from your code. I guess this would also fail if the users cell phone was in a dead sport.
I never get a response that I can do anything with. My code
FirebaseAuth_SignedIn(User As FirebaseUser)
SignInWithGoogle called
ResultArrived Success
** Activity (main) Resume **
firebaseAuthWithGoogle success: false
error: com.google.firebase.FirebaseNetworkException: A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.
This is easy to test on a non-cell phone device (tablet) just turn off the internet connection and try to sign the user on from your code. I guess this would also fail if the users cell phone was in a dead sport.