Android Question [SOLVED] Horizontal xCustomListView, How activate scrolling?


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Hello. How to activate the horizontal scroll of the elements? I can see the added elements, but I can not move horizontally in the list to see the elements that are outside the screen. In the designer I have activated the option "Show scroll bar".

Thank you


Active Member
Licensed User
Thank you, DonManfred. Of course I have selected that option in the designer. I can see the elements distributed horizontally. But I can't make the list of elements scroll horizontally if there are elements outside the screen. I don't see the scroll bar.

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Active Member
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Thank you Erel and DonManfred. The CLV was inside an AHPageContainer in my original Activity. In that case the scroll didn't work. By preparing a simpler example just with the CLV in an activity the scroll did work.

So I put the CLV inside a panel and now everything is working well in both cases.


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