I have an issue and I dont know what's the cause anyway. In my ide designer, the icons in the buttons show however when my app is running, they show as blocks. Any ideas?? See 4 buttons on the right of the screen
Thanks @MarkusR for the hint, I relooked the property bag and my "text" property of the button was blank as I had removed its contents earlier on. I had thought that the text would display in the button. I have written text on that property now and now working properly even though the contents of the "text" property are not showing. I guess it expects something to be there irrespective of whether you are chosen FontAwesome or Material to use.
Frustrating, just noted that whilst it displays properly throughout, as soon as I click any of the buttons it reverts back to the blocks. Perhaps there is an interference with the custom control on the same page. I have css on the page but it affects the tableview and the listview only. So its one of those things for now.
Which is exactly the issue, and someone mentioned "-fx-font-family: FontAwesome;" in other css (Extra CSS) property, so I have pasted -fx-font-family: FontAwesome; in Extra CSS and its behaving (for now)