Thank you very much,
I'll study your example and will try to modify it in order to coincide with my needs.
Edit: I've just looked at your example code. The "index" handler shows code very similar to what I found yesterday on Internet. Can you explain why it contains:
- <form action="/action_page.php"> (reference to php ?)
- console.log(input); (saving in logs?)
The rest is clear. You prepare a text, send it to next handler "qrgen" and receive back a text that is the <img> tag along with its data which is finally "inserted" in the div.
Using Base64 you keep everything under the
text umbrella. Very clever and clean, I like it.
BTW, it is along the way I anticipated as " the HTML page collects data then calls an internal handler which generates the QrCode " what can I ask more?