Android Question Solved, Notifications stopped suddenly, any help?


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Dear all,
Notifications stopped suddenly, any help?
The keys still active/enabled.
Some of my projects totally based on notifications, any help to re-run these keys/projects ?
Best regards
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For anyone that could help you it's needed more information.
Something has changed in those projects?
Did you update B4A?
Did you update your phone?
On which android version are you testing?
Does it happen on different phones with different android versions?
Best option would be to have a sample project that show the issue to test.
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Thanks Mr. Sagenut .
Non of any changed.
Normally, I didn't run the application every day, just I tested yesterday and facing this issue, I tested many times and many applications.
with different keys with same account on firebase-google.
I visited my account and found all keys active and enabled.
Best regards
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When was the last time you published the app?
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Did you see the changed Informations in the new Tutorial?

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Many thanks for your support.
I'm still in early stage.
I can't enable "Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) :

it gave me this error:

I tried with different browsers, different accounts and even different PCs, and in different time
Best regards
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You need to understand the legacy API is no longer available.
You must use the new Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1).
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I not understand,
Kindly, how can I use it? steps, please?
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it is not clear like what in the past.
In the past Mr. Erel gave a complete tutorial for FCM starting from creating key until b4a example.
there is any like that please.
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it is not clear like what in the past.
In the past Mr. Erel gave a complete tutorial for FCM starting from creating key until b4a example.
there is any like that please.
Which part is not clear?

How do you send the notifications?

If your B4A app uses the FirebaseMessaging receiver, you don't need to change anything.
You need to change the method to send the notifications.

Try to use the Firebase Console and check if the notifications are sent.

Check the B4J example from Erel. It's working.

You can check another B4J tool (paid) here:
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Thanks Mr. Asales
The answer for the first question (how to send in the past) is like :

while I faced problem before this stage, that I can't create key :
as you can see in following image :

It gave an error like the following :

While the old keys not work totally, so as you can see in previous images, I tried to create new key.

There is any way to run the old keys/project ?

Best regards
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You are confused. The bottom one is old and cannot be use anymore.
The top one is the new one that you should use.
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@Adamdam the B4J sending tool instruction has been updated, and it works. Just goback to this link and follow the instructions.

Make sure to get your Project ID and service json here by generating a new one thats all
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The answer for the first question (how to send in the past) is like
And that´s exctly what have been stopped.
This method is decrecated.

for an updated b4j sending tool. You only can send messages with this B4J-Tool. It is not possible to do in android any longer.
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Thanks Mr. Aeric, Thanks Mr. Mcpueccu.
As I understood from article, that I'll use :

This is right ?
If yes, how to make it in sender ?
I saw in B4J project, is use C:\Users\H\Downloads\b4a-test1-firebase-adminsdk-9ze0o-ecfe854c74.json , how can I got similar file ?
Best regards
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If yes, how to make it in sender ?
I saw in B4J project, is use C:\Users\H\Downloads\b4a-test1-firebase-adminsdk-9ze0o-ecfe854c74.json , how can I got similar file ?
Best regards
Set the project ID in process global variable

get the similar file by click on service account, click GENERATE NEW PRIVATE KEY, download and set the path in b4j

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Thanks Mr. mcpueccu
It seam that required file.
But I can't run the App. it gave me the following error in the Logs tab :

I hope to solve this
and Hope to find Php to send firebase with this new key.

best regards
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