With the code below (using BlueToothManager), I'm facing an issue with sending message.
Bt1 is used to create the connection with the bluetooth.
When the connection is up, "Sub AfterConnect" is raised and send a message with
In my case, message is not received by the bluetooth.
I've added a new button with the same code.
So, if I click on button 1 and after on button 2, in that case, it works. Message is well received.
So, my question is: Why the send message in sub AfterConnect doesn't work ?
(even with a sleep before the send doesn't change my problem)
Thanks in advance for your help.
And Merry Christmas to all of you
With the code below (using BlueToothManager), I'm facing an issue with sending message.
Bt1 is used to create the connection with the bluetooth.
When the connection is up, "Sub AfterConnect" is raised and send a message with
In my case, message is not received by the bluetooth.
I've added a new button with the same code.
So, if I click on button 1 and after on button 2, in that case, it works. Message is well received.
So, my question is: Why the send message in sub AfterConnect doesn't work ?
(even with a sleep before the send doesn't change my problem)
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Message = "Hello"
End Sub
public Sub connection
Dim device As NameAndMac
device.Name = "HC-05"
device.Mac = "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"
End Sub
Public Sub AfterConnect (Success As Boolean)
If Success = True Then
End If
End Sub
Sub Bt1_Click
End Sub
Sub Bt2_Click
End Sub
Thanks in advance for your help.
And Merry Christmas to all of you