Android Question [SOLVED] Speech to Text on large entries ?


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May I ask you if you would have any idea about creating a Speech to Text for long entries, please ?

I had the chargeable SpeechRecognizer library from a long time now and read some topics about. I even tried with the VoiceRecognition too but the problem I am facing is that if the text recorded is too long, than it generates an error and losts the recorded sentences...

I have thought to use multiple VoiceRecognition services and to launch them one after the other but with no more luck as I can not stop the voice recording after a delay or I would loose the recording too....

A solution should exist but I don't find one. Thanks again


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What I understand is that you want to recognize streaming voice, right?
Google has an undocumented limitation on maximum recognized speech time of 60 seconds. at one time. So
you need to solve the problem with this consideration, but there should be a way.
One way, I didn't test it though, is to run the voice twice.. the first time watch for long silence (utterance s) for
long than a second and log their duration and location in the timeline. then in the second run, stop the recognition
at the beginning of each silence, append the recognized text and run the voice recognizer again.
Another solution is, if you have audio editor, is to cut the voice into chunks or blocks of less than a minute each and
save them in different files.

Good luck
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Hello Beja,

Thanks a lot for your helpful advices. You have put me on the right way.
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