iOS Question SOLVED # This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app


Licensed User
Hello everyone,

I use iTunes Connect Uploader in B4i with:

User Id: apple developer email
Password: the one used in “private signature key” sign key (which is anyway the same as my apple developer email)

I download the latest Build Realease App and obtain two files
app.ipa and

After selecting app.ipa and downloading I get the following error?

I tried with Transporter on Mac the same

If anyone can point me in the direction of resolving the problem.

Téléchargement fichier IPA.
Soumettre l'application (cette étape peut prendre plusieurs minutes).
Error: 2024-01-28 06:58:34.599 Starting altool...
2024-01-28 06:58:34.604 Initializing bundle from: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Will look for transporter at executable bundle relative path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Looking for Transporter at path: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2024-01-28 06:58:34.611 Using default transporter location: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Will look for transporter at executable bundle relative path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Looking for Transporter at path: /Applications/
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Looking for Transporter at path: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 Using default transporter location: /usr/local/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter
2024-01-28 06:58:34.614 iTMSTransporter is not available. Using REST APIs.
2024-01-28 06:58:35.400
WEB SERVICE REQUEST 'generateAppleConnectToken'
timeout: 1800
method: POST
httpHeaders: {
"Content-Length" = 510;
"Content-Type" = "application/json";
"x-request-id" = "20240128065835-635";
"x-tx-client-name" = altool;
"x-tx-client-version" = "7.006 (15006)";
"x-tx-method" = generateAppleConnectToken;
httpBody: {
id = "20240128065835-635";
jsonrpc = "2.0";
method = generateAppleConnectToken;
params = {
Application = altool;
ApplicationBundleId = "";
FrameworkVersions = {
"" = "7.006 (15006)";
"" = "7.006 (15006)";
"" = "7.006 (15006)";
OSIdentifier = "Mac OS X 14.2.1 (x86_64)";
Password = **hidden value**;
Username = "my hidden email";
Version = "7.006 (15006)";
2024-01-28 06:58:36.238
WEB SERVICE RESPONSE (generateAppleConnectToken):
status code: 200 (no error)
MIME/TYPE: application/json
httpHeaders: {
"Accept-Language" = "en-US,en;q=0.9";
"Cache-Control" = "private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0";
Connection = "keep-alive";
"Content-Encoding" = gzip;
"Content-Length" = 226;
"Content-Type" = "application/json";
Date = "Sun, 28 Jan 2024 11:58:36 GMT";
Expires = "Wed, 24-Jan-2024 23:58:02 GMT";
Pragma = "no-cache";
Server = "daiquiri/3.0.0";
"Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains";
"apple-originating-system" = MZContentDeliveryProducer;
"apple-seq" = "0.0";
"apple-timing-app" = "207 ms";
"apple-tk" = false;
b3 = "9ed6fc063a17e55616604cd7b82e7fff-77725b94c3a64fc9";
"x-apple-application-instance" = 243317;
"x-apple-application-site" = MR22;
"x-apple-jingle-correlation-key" = T3LPYBR2C7SVMFTAJTL3QLT774;
"x-apple-request-uuid" = "9ed6fc06-3a17-e556-1660-4cd7b82e7fff";
"x-b3-spanid" = 77725b94c3a64fc9;
"x-b3-traceid" = 9ed6fc063a17e55616604cd7b82e7fff;
"x-daiquiri-instance" = "daiquiri:13624002:mr85p00it-hyhk03094901:7987:24RELEASE17:daiquiri-amp-processing-shared-int-001-mr, daiquiri:18493001:mr85p00it-hyhk03154801:7987:24RELEASE17:daiquiri-amp-all-shared-ext-001-mr";
"x-json-content-length" = 454;
"x-request-through-daiquiri-producer" = "mr-internal";
"x-responding-instance" = "MZContentDeliveryProducer:243317:::";
"x-webobjects-loadaverage" = 0;
httpBody: {"result":{"Errors":["Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1611)"],"RestartClient":false,"ErrorCode":1611,"ErrorMessage":"Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1611)","ShouldUseRESTAPIs":false,"Success":false},"id":"20240128065835-635","jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":1611,"message":"Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1611)"}}
2024-01-28 06:58:36.238 Web service call (generateAppleConnectToken) result: {
ErrorCode = 1611;
ErrorMessage = "Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1\U2026";
Errors = (
"Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1\U2026"
RestartClient = 0;
ShouldUseRESTAPIs = 0;
Success = 0;
2024-01-28 06:58:36.241 {
ErrorCode = 1611;
ErrorMessage = "Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1611)";
Errors = (
"Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error (1611)"
RestartClient = 0;
ShouldUseRESTAPIs = 0;
Success = 0;
2024-01-28 06:58:36.241 Non-localized server string received: 'Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error'.
2024-01-28 06:58:36.241 Non-localized server string received: 'Unable to generate an Apple Connect token at this time due to a general error'.
2024-01-28 06:58:36.323 Bad status code: <MZWebServiceDAWTokenForUsernameAndPassword: 0x7fba657055c0>
2024-01-28 06:58:36.323 *** Error: Error uploading 'D:\Developpement_B4i iOS\Objects\APP.ipa'.
2024-01-28 06:58:36.323 *** Error: Unable to upload archive. Failed to get authorization for username 'my hidden email' and password. (
"Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=0 \"Status code: 0\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Status code: 0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The auth server returned a bad status code.}"
) (-1011)
NSLocalizedDescription = "Unable to upload archive.";
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Failed to get authorization for username 'my hidden email' and password. (\n \"Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=0 \\\"Status code: 0\\\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Status code: 0, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The auth server returned a bad status code.}\"\n)";


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

USERID: Your Apple Developer Email Address
PASSWORD: App specific password in this format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Check how to create app specific password:
ARCHIVE FILE: Your IPA or Zipped file (compiled with Store provision profile)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello everyone,

I use iTunes Connect Uploader in B4i with:

User Id: apple developer email
Password: the one used in “private signature key” sign key (which is anyway the same as my apple developer email)

I download the latest Build Realease App and obtain two files
app.ipa and

After selecting app.ipa and downloading I get the following error?

I tried with Transporter on Mac the same

If anyone can point me in the direction of resolving the problem.

Use a specific password for the app generated in (I think)
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Licensed User
View attachment 150154

USERID: Your Apple Developer Email Address
PASSWORD: App specific password in this format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Check how to create app specific password:
ARCHIVE FILE: Your IPA or Zipped file (compiled with Store provision profile)
I encounter an identical problem, I created the application password in the following format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx on

In apple developer I have for Identifiers created Bundle ID Explicit with the name of the application and Wildcard with*

Error: No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier “” is correct and that you are signed in with an Apple ID that has access to the app in App Store Connect. App Store operation failed. (-19000)
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Licensed User
we'll get there soon now I have this error

I have after downloading the latest build:
an app.ipa file
and a folder
the zip folder includes a Payload folder including two folders

I thought I read in different forum messages that the zip file should be called and not contain dSYM ?
NSLocalizedDescription = "Asset validation failed";
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "This bundle is invalid. The IPA format requires a top-level directory named Payload, containing only a .app bundle and optional plugins in a Plugins directory. (ID: b629b396-1556-469f-bc22-8c2151e4baba)";
Last edited:
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I encounter an identical problem, I created the application password in the following format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx on

In apple developer I have for Identifiers created Bundle ID Explicit with the name of the application and Wildcard with*

Make sure you have the same bundle ID in the app created in appstore connect and in your app.
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Licensed User
Make sure you have the same bundle ID in the app created in appstore connect and in your app.
I had to change the name in the app store because it already existed.

but in :
Build the configuration
and Identifiers from apple developer

the name is the same!
Do you think I should change everything like the name displayed in Apple Store Connect?
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Licensed User
Really not simple at all but I ended up finding it, I'm going to try in my spare time to write a notice, I spent too much time there and I don't find it normal. Time should be allocated to development and not installation.
Sans titre.jpg
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Rodrigo Vargas

Licensed User
Longtime User
I got the same error ... I renamed the .ipa file to .zip ... deleted the .dSYM folder ... renamed it back to .ipa and it worked!
I did the same and it worked. However, I remember that the file was just a few days ago... I never got the .ipa file from the downloader... not sure why.
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Rodrigo Vargas

Licensed User
Longtime User
I think the reason why I was getting this ipa file was because I had the provision file and not the store file. By doing as I mention in the previous post it worked. (I don't know why) But obviously that is no the solution.
I just changed the code line. Probably I forgot when creating the release app.
Now I get again the

provision file:
    '#ProvisionFile: provision.mobileprovision
    #ProvisionFile: store.mobileprovision
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