B4J Question [solved] xCustomListView - scrollbar width


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all,

a customer of mine changed its monitor to a touchscreen model and asks for a wider scrollbar (xCustomListView).
I guess that using JavaObject on the inner sv component could do the trick, but where do I find which method to use?
CSS could be another way.

ps: I'm using the CLV from the XUI Views lib and a solutin limited to B4J is in this case acceptable.



Licensed User
Longtime User
I too have touch screen monitor, and I can scroll the clv by touching it with two fingers and scrolling. Just like Android screen.
Never felt for scrollbar size limit.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for reporting first-hand experience.
I was told by the customer that the standard width is uncomfortable for them so to try to increment it.
Maybe it's the problem of a single user..who knows? Anyway, Erel solution is easy to implement. Let's see if it makes the customer happy..heheh
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